
Allow to render a static subtree on the server that will not cause reconiliation problems on the client without appropriate data.

react, static, subtree, server, dom
npm install react-stasis@0.0.2



Universal (isomorphic) rendering is one of the benefits of using React. Often times, however, a large portion of the page is static, so ideally you would want to to render it on the server, but not worry about it on the client side.

Unfortunately when React checks if the markup can be reused on the client side, it's currently impossible to tell it to ignore a certain subtree. That means that if you are unable to replicate DOM exactly, reconciliation will fail.

This is where react-stasis comes in. This package allows to you to only render part of the React tree on the server thus possibly reducing data sent to the client and the app initialization time.

How to Use?

react-stasis provides a wrapper around react-dom APIs, so usually on the server side you just need to install react-stasis NPM package and then change react-dom/server import to react-stasis/server.

On the client side you also need change the import of react-dom to react-stasis.

In the React application itself, the only thing you need to do is to wrap a static subtree in a Static component provided by react-stasis and only include it's children on the server-side:

const {Component} = require('react');
const {Static, render} = require('react-stasis');

class MyApp extends Component {
    render() {
        return <div>
            <div>Some dynamic part of your app</div>
    renderStatic() {
        // this can be used for example by webpack
        // to exclude the statis part from the bundle
        // if you use
        if (process.env.TARGET === 'browser') {
            return null;
        } else {
            const MyStaticComponent = require('./my-static-component');
            return <MyStaticComponent someFoo="bar"/>;


  • Using react-stasis just in the browser will result in an error.

  • Nested Static components are not supported at the moment and will result in an error in the browser.

  • The implementation implicitly relies on some React internals and may break in the future in a way that checksum will not match, so the app will be always re-rendered on the frontend.

Static component props

  • component: React.Component | string
  • props: object