
A React Component that generates images with valid Thumbor URLs for you.

react, thumbor, image
npm install react-thumbor-img@4.0.3



You like React? But you use Thumbor?

Worry not, because you have now found the perfect library to use both together in a nice simple component. It currently handles only unsafe URLs, as safe URLs cannot be generated in the client side.


Usage is simple, very simple:

import React from 'react'
import { ThumborImage } from 'react-thumbor-img'

function MyAwesomeSection(props) {
	return <section>

Properties for ThumborImage

server(required): URL of your thumbor server

src(required): URI of the original picture

generateSrcSet: If true, will generate a srcset attribute for the image that will contain 2x and 3x versions of the picture automatically. default: true

width: width in pixel for the standard size of the picture. Use 0 to indicate it should be automatic (original size, or proportional to the height respecting the ratio). default: 0

height: height in pixel for the standard size of the picture. Use 0 to indicate it should be automatic (original size, or proportional to the width respecting the ratio). default: 0

flipHorizontal: set to true if you want to flip the image horizontally default: false

flipVertical: set to true if you want to flip the image vertical default: false

trim: set to true if you want to remove the surrounding space (see here) default: false

fitIn: set to true if you want to shrink the image instead of auto-crop it (see here) default: false

manualCrop: If you want to manually crop the image to a certain position, set this property to an object {top: y1, left: x1, bottom: y2, right: x2}. Set to false for no manual cropping. default: false

horizontalAlign: see here default: 'center'

verticalAlign: see here default: 'middle'

smart: set this to false to disable the smart detection of focal points. See here for more details. default: true

filters: An object which keys correspond to the filter names as defined in the documentation, and values are either:

  • true when no argument is needed for the filter
  • a single value when the filter takes only one argument
  • an array of values corresponding to the parameters to be passed in the right order default: {}


const filters = {
	grayscake: true,
	background_color: 'blue',
	rgb: [20, 50, 60],
	blur: 7

Other Image Properties

id, className, style, alt, crossOrigin: are possible to send and apply to the image