
Flexible, powerful and modern library for creating the running horizontal blocks effect, also known as ticker or the «marquee effect».

marquee, ticker, reel, running blocks, running text, scrolling text, horizontal movement, clones, scroll, filler, animation, ui, library, microlibrary, magic, css, effects, gsap
npm install reeller@0.0.5


Cuberto Reeller

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Flexible, powerful and modern library for creating the running horizontal blocks effect, also known as ticker or the «marquee effect».

The library uses GSAP, IntersectionObserver and ResizeObserver to achieve the best performance results.

⚠️ Notice: This library is currently in beta.


GSAP v3 (

Quick start

Install from NPM

Reeller requires GSAP library to work.

npm install gsap --save
npm install reeller --save

Import GSAP, Reeller and initialize it:

import Reeller from 'reeller';
import gsap from 'gsap';


const reeller = new Reeller({
    container: '.my-reel',
    wrapper: '.my-reel-wrap',
    itemSelector: '.my-reel-item',
    speed: 10,

Use from CDN

If you don't want to include Reeller files in your project, you can use library from CDN:

<script src=""></script>

Reeller requires GSAP to work. You need to import it above the Reeller if you didn't have it before:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
    var reeller = new Reeller.Reeller({
        container: '.my-reel',
        wrapper: '.my-reel-wrap',
        itemSelector: '.my-reel-item',
        speed: 10,

Note: All modules (Reeller, Filler, ScrollerPlugin) will be imported into Reeller namespace when using from CDN, so you must use a prefix.


You can configure Reeller via options.

The following options with defaults is available:

const reeller = new Reeller({
    container: null,
    wrapper: null,
    itemSelector: null,
    cloneClassName: '-clone',
    speed: 10,
    ease: 'none',
    initialSeek: 10,
    loop: true,
    paused: true,
    reversed: false,
    autoStop: true,
    autoUpdate: true,
    clonesOverflow: true,
    clonesFinish: false,
    clonesMin: 0,
Option Type Default Description
container string | HTMLElement null Required. Container element or selector.
wrapper string | HTMLElement null Required. Inner element or selector.
itemSelector string null Required. Items CSS selector.
cloneClassName string -clone Class name of the new clones.
speed number 10 Movement speed.
ease string 'none' Timing function. See gsap easing.
initialSeek number 10 Initial seek of timeline.
loop boolean true Loop movement.
pause boolean true Initialize in paused mode.
reversed boolean false Reverse mode.
autoStop boolean true Use IntersectionObserver to auto stop movement.
autoUpdate boolean true Use ResizeObserver to auto update clones number.
clonesOverflow boolean true Create artificial overflow with clones.
clonesFinish boolean false Bring the cycle of clones to an end.
clonesMin boolean 0 Minimum number of clones.
plugins Object null Options for plugins. See Plugins section.



Method Description
reeller.resume() Resumes movement.
reeller.pause() Pauses movement.
reeller.reverse([reversed=true]) Set reversed moving.
reeller.invalidate() Refresh GSAP Timeline.
reeller.update() Calculates and sets the number of clones and update movement position.
reeller.refresh(update=true) Fully refresh and update all clones and position. Use this only after adding or removing original items.
reeller.destroy(removeClones=true) Destroy Reeller instance, detach all observers and remove clones.
Reeller.registerGSAP(gsap) Static method to register the gsap library.
Reeller.use(...plugins) Static method to register a plugins.


Property Type Description
reeller.paused boolean Indicates that the movement is stopped. Timeline GSAP Timeline.
reeller.filler Filler Inner Filler instance. See Filler section.
reeller.options ReellerOptions Current Reeller options.
reeller.plugin Object Initialized plugins.


Reeller comes with a useful events you can listen. Events can be assigned in this way:

reeller.on('update', () => {
    console.log('Reeller update happened!');

You can also delete an event that you no longer want to listen in these ways:'update');'update', myHandler);
Event Arguments Description
update (reeller, calcData) Event will be fired after update.
refresh (reeller) Event will be fired after refresh.
destroy (reeller) Event will be fired after destroy.


Reeller support plugins to extend functionality.

At this moment there is only one plugin that comes with the official package: ScrollerPlugin.

This plugin allows you to attach movement to the scroll:

import {Reeller, ScrollerPlugin} from 'reeller';
import gsap from 'gsap';


const reeller = new Reeller({
    container: '.my-reel',
    wrapper: '.my-reel-wrap',
    itemSelector: '.my-reel-item',
    speed: 10,
    plugins: {
        scroller: {
            speed: 1,
            multiplier: 0.5,
            threshold: 1,

The following options of ScrollerPlugin is available:

Option Type Default Description
speed number 1 Movement and inertia speed.
multiplier number 0.5 Movement multiplier.
threshold number 1 Movement threshold.
ease string 'expo.out' Timing function. See gsap easing.
overwrite boolean true See gsap overwrite modes.
bothDirection boolean true Allow movement in both directions.
reversed boolean false Reverse scroll movement.
stopOnEnd boolean false Stop movement on end scrolling.
scrollProxy function null A function that returns the scroll position. Can be used in cases with custom scroll.

In cases with using of custom scroll libraries (e.g. smooth-scrollbar), you can use the scrollProxy option to return the current scroll position:

import Scrollbar from 'smooth-scrollbar';
import {Reeller, ScrollerPlugin} from 'reeller';
import gsap from 'gsap';


const scrollbar = Scrollbar.init(document.querySelector('#my-scrollbar'));

const reeller = new Reeller({
    container: '.my-reel',
    wrapper: '.my-reel-wrap',
    itemSelector: '.my-reel-item',
    speed: 10,
    plugins: {
        scroller: {
            speed: 1,
            multiplier: 0.5,
            threshold: 1,
            scrollProxy: () => scrollbar.scrollTop,


Reeller library works on top of the Filler module. This is a separate tool for automatically calculating the number of clones and filling the container with them.

You can use only Filler (without Reeller) if you need to fill the whole space with clones, without movement, animations and GSAP:

import {Filler} from 'reeller';

const filler = new Filler({
    container: '.my-container',
    itemSelector: '.-my-item',
    cloneClassName: '-clone',


Option Type Default Description
container string | HTMLElement null Required. Container element or selector.
itemSelector string null Required. Items CSS selector.
wrapper string | HTMLElement null Inner element or selector.
cloneClassName string '-clone' Class name of the new clones.
autoUpdate boolean true Use ResizeObserver to auto update clones number.
clonesOverflow boolean false Create artificial overflow with clones.
clonesFinish boolean false Bring the cycle of clones to an end.
clonesMin boolean false Minimum number of clones.


Method Description
filler.addClones(count, offset=0) Creates and adds clones to end in the desired number from given offset.
filler.removeClones(count) Removes the desired number of clones from the end.
filler.setClonesCount(count) Sets the desired number of clones.
filler.getCalcData() Returns a calculated data object (number of clones, widths, etc.)
filler.update() Calculates and sets the number of clones.
filler.refresh(update=true) Fully refresh and update all clones. Use this only after adding or removing original items.
filler.destroy(removeClones=true) Destroy Filler instance, detach all observers and remove clones.


Property Type Description
filler.container HTMLElement Container element.
filler.wrapper HTMLElement Inner element.
filler.item Array.<HTMLElement> Items array.
filler.calcData Object Calculated data (number of clones, widths, etc.).
filler.options ReellerOptions Current Filler options.


Event Arguments Description
update (filler, calcData) Event will be fired after update.
refresh (filler) Event will be fired after refresh.
destroy (filler) Event will be fired after destroy.

Examples of use

  • Cuberto: Leading digital agency.
  • Potion: Video email for top sales professionals.
  • Weltio: More ways to grow your money.
  • WorkJam: Drive Employee Engagement.
  • Spendwisor: Make your shopping easier.
  • Sleepiest: The Sleepiest App.
  • Perform: Unlock workout superpowers.


The MIT License (MIT)