
A TypeScript utility for handling success (Ok) and failure (Err) cases in a structured and type-safe manner.

TypeScript, Result, Functional Programming, Error Handling, Ok, Err, Library
npm install result-library@1.0.2


Result Library

The Result library is a TypeScript utility that provides a structured way to handle success (Ok) and failure (Err) cases in your application. It is inspired by functional programming patterns and languages like Rust, enabling robust error handling without relying on exceptions.


  • Type Safety: Explicitly handle Ok and Err cases with strong TypeScript typings.
  • Convenient API: Simplifies handling success and error scenarios with intuitive methods.
  • Improved Error Handling: Avoid unexpected runtime errors with structured control flows.
  • Reusable Components: Easily integrate into any TypeScript project.


npm install result-library


Creating Results

To create Ok and Err results, use the ResultBuilder interface.

import { ResultBuilder } from 'result-library';

const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder();

const success = Ok("Operation was successful");
const failure = Err("An error occurred");

Checking Results

if (success.is_ok()) {
  console.log("Success:", success.unwrap());
} else {
  console.error("Error:", success.err());

if (failure.is_err()) {
  console.error("Failure:", failure.unwrap_err());

Example Use Case

function divide(a: number, b: number) {
  const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder();
  if (b === 0) {
    return Err("Division by zero is not allowed");
  return Ok(a / b);

const result = divide(10, 2);
if (result.is_ok()) {
  console.log("Result:", result.unwrap());
} else {
  console.error("Error:", result.unwrap_err());

Advanced Usage with Types

You can define explicit types for better type safety.

const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<number, string>();
const result = Ok(42);
const error = Err("Something went wrong");

if (result.is_ok()) {
} else {

Additional Example: Handling Multiple Cases

function fetchUserData(userId: string) {
  const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<{ name: string; age: number }, string>();
  if (userId === "123") {
    return Ok({ name: "John Doe", age: 30 });
  } else {
    return Err("User not found");

const userResult = fetchUserData("123");
if (userResult.is_ok()) {
  console.log("User Data:", userResult.unwrap());
} else {
  console.error("Error:", userResult.unwrap_err());

Use Case: File Processing

function processFile(filePath: string) {
  const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<string, string>();

  if (!filePath.endsWith(".txt")) {
    return Err("Only .txt files are supported");

  try {
    const fileContent = "File content"; // Simulate reading a file
    return Ok(fileContent);
  } catch (error) {
    return Err("Failed to process the file");

const fileResult = processFile("example.txt");
if (fileResult.is_ok()) {
  console.log("File Content:", fileResult.unwrap());
} else {
  console.error("Error:", fileResult.unwrap_err());

Use Case: API Response Handling

async function fetchData(apiUrl: string) {
  const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<any, string>();

  try {
    const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
    if (!response.ok) {
      return Err(`API error: ${response.status}`);
    const data = await response.json();
    return Ok(data);
  } catch (error) {
    return Err("Network error");

(async () => {
  const apiResult = await fetchData("");
  if (apiResult.is_ok()) {
    console.log("API Data:", apiResult.unwrap());
  } else {
    console.error("Error:", apiResult.unwrap_err());

The Result class provides a way to handle success and error outcomes in a structured way. Below is an example demonstrating how to use Ok, Err, and the ResultBuilder to handle different results.

Code Example:

import { ResultBuilder } from 'result-library';

// deconstruct ResultBuilder and create Ok, Err builder instance
const { Ok, Err } = ResultBuilder<string, string>();

// Simulate a function that can either succeed or fail
function fetchData(success: boolean) {
  if (success) {
    return Ok('Data retrieved successfully');
  } else {
    return Err('Failed to retrieve data');

// Simulate a success scenario
const successResult = fetchData(true);
if (successResult.is_ok()) {
  console.log(successResult.ok()); // Output: 'Data retrieved successfully'
} else {

// Simulate an error scenario
const errorResult = fetchData(false);
if (errorResult.is_err()) {
  console.log(errorResult.err()); // Output: 'Failed to retrieve data'
} else {

try {
  console.log(successResult.unwrap()); // Output: 'Data retrieved successfully'
  console.log(errorResult.unwrap()); // Throws error: "Called unwrap() on an Ok value"
} catch (e) {

try {
  console.log(successResult.unwrap_err()); // Throws error: "Called unwrap_err() on an Ok value"
} catch (e) {


  1. Eliminates Ambiguity: Clear distinction between success and error states.
  2. Improves Readability: Code is more declarative and self-documenting.
  3. Avoids Exceptions: Encourages error handling through return types instead of exceptions.
  4. Enhances Debugging: Easily identify and manage error cases.

API Reference

Result<A, E>

A generic class representing either a success (Ok) or failure (Err) value.


  • is_ok(): boolean: Returns true if the result is Ok.
  • is_err(): boolean: Returns true if the result is Err.
  • ok(): A: Retrieves the success value.
  • err(): E: Retrieves the error value.
  • unwrap(): A: Returns the success value or throws an error if the result is Err.
  • unwrap_err(): E: Returns the error value or throws an error if the result is Ok.

Ok<A, E>

A subclass of Result representing a success state.

Err<E, A>

A subclass of Result representing an error state.


An interface for creating Ok and Err instances.

  • Ok<A, E>(value: A): Ok<A, E>: Creates an Ok result with the given value.
  • Err<E, A>(error: E): Err<E, A>: Creates an Err result with the given error.


Contributions are welcome! Please open an issue or submit a pull request for enhancements or bug fixes.


This library is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.