
API mailer service.

npm install rf-api-mailer@0.5.5



Gets Mails settings and starts simpleTemplateMailer.

Getting Started

npm install rf-api-mailer

Init the service

var mailerOptions ={
   transporter: mainOptions., // nodemailer transporter
   defaultLanguage: 'en',
   contactMail: 'your@contactMail.com' // optional
   translationsPath: 'mail/translations',
   templatesPath: 'mail/templates',
   inlineAttribute: 'inline' // all html tags with this attribute will be "inlined" by "inline-source"

var services: {
   sendMail: require('rf-api-mailer').start(mailerOptions).sendMail

Assuming, that templates and translations are in one folder you might pass the path options direct like:

var mailerOptions ={
   transporter: mainOptions., // nodemailer transporter
   defaultLanguage: 'en',
   contactMail: 'your@contactMail.com' // optional

var mailPath = 'mail';

var services: {
   sendMail: require('rf-api-mailer').start(mailerOptions, mailPath).sendMail

Use the service

var template = {
   name: 'newsletter',
   language: "en",
   data: {test: 234} // data from your app inserted in template
   inlineAttribute: "inline" // optional: individual inline configuration

var mailOptions = {to:["max.mustermann@gmx.net"]}; // nodemailer options

// simple example
services.sendMail(template, mailOptions, function(err, data){
   console.log(err, data)

// with rf-api
API.post('/sendmail', function(req, res){
   services.sendMail(req.data.template, req.data.mailOptions, res.send);


Install the dev tools with

npm install

Then you can runs some test cases and eslint with:

npm test

Legal Issues

  • License: MIT
  • Author: Rapidfacture GmbH