SendBird Desk SDK for JavaScript

npm install sendbird-desk@1.0.11


SendBird Desk SDK for JavaScript

This project provides SendBird Desk SDK for JavaScript which includes SendBird messaging SDK for JavaScript, SendBird Desk SDK Core, and SendBird Desk Widget sample


Note: Make sure you have node-js 18 and npm v9 or higher installed

npm install
npm run build

Note: We use dts-bundle-generator because we need a single d.ts file for the SDK. rollup-plugin-typescript2 errors out when we try to use declaration: true in tsconfig.json.

Setting up Tests

Copy .env.example to .env and fill in the values.

These variables should be setup in circle-ci as well.

Note: env variables can be found in 1password - engineering/desk_staging_e2e_test To login as admin in dashboard use E2E Admin - Dev in 1password


We use jest with js-dom for testing Test cases are located in test/cases directory and are named `*.test.ts

Note: Try not to run tests in auto-watch mode. We would be connecting and disconnecting to the server for each test case

Local test

npm run test

Publish not implemented yet / maybe use github action

  1. Make sure main branch is up-to-date.
  2. Cut a release branch - release/v#.#.##.
  3. On release branch:
  • Prepare changelog
  • Update version in package.json file.
  1. Make PR to main branch. { optional steps
  2. Make release -> npm run build; npm publish --tag beta
  3. Check release candidate is good to go. }
  4. Merge PR to main branch.
  5. Make release -> npm run build; npm publish
  6. Add release note to github release.
  7. Copy CHANGELOG, LICENSE, dist & package.json to repo main branch.


npm run format

or (in Visual Studio Code) Install Prettier - Code formatter plugin. Open file to adjust prettier, select all(cmd+a), and cmd+k, cmd+f.


npm run lint

Browser Support

  • Modern browsers supporting ES6+ (Chrome, FireFox, Edge, Safari, etc)
  • Mobile browsers (Android/iOS)