Generate Social Media Preview Images from templates.

npm install shareimage@5.1.0





There is currently 2 Langauges Supported: Python and Node.js And there is a API available to use with your project!

API (Beta)

The API is currently in beta and may have some issues. The domain of the API is Currently, the V2 of ShareImage is only available for the Node.JS Library (with CommonJS, ESM and TypeScript support)


There is currently only one endpoint available:

GET /image

It needs Query Params in the following format: The paramaters are as same as Node.js Params!


To Install ShareImage in Python with PIP Run:

pip install ShareImage


To Install ShareImage in Node.js with NPM Run:

npm i shareimage --save

Or, with Yarn:

yarn add shareimage


Using ShareImage is a bit different across Languages.


Use the Following Code to Generate a Image and print it's URL in Python:

from ShareImage import ShareImage

image = ShareImage(
    title = "My Test Image",
    cloudName = "myCloud",
    imagePublicId = "myFolder/myImage"



Use the Following Code to Generate a Image and output it's URL in Node.js (ES6):

import ShareImage from 'shareimage';

const image = await ShareImage.generateImage(
    "My awesome title",
    { type: "datauri" }



There are only 3 Required Parameters and several optional params.

Required Parameters

Parameter Type Description
imagePath String Path of the Image
title String Title of the Image

Optional Parameters

output Object (3rd parameter)

Parameter Type Default Description
type String base64 The format of the output. Can be buffer, datauri, base64, or file (Save the file in FS). This option is necessary but comes with default value.
options Object {} This option is necessary if type is set to file. The structure of the options Object is {options: {file: {path: "/file/to/output.png"}}}

props Object (4th parameter)

Parameter Type Default Description
tagline String None Tagline of Website or Tags of Post
titleFont ShareFont sirin-stencil Font of Title
titleExtraConfig String '' Extra Title Config
taglineExtraConfig String '' Extra Config of Tagline
taglineFont ShareFont arial Font of Tagline
imageWidth Number 1280 Width of Image
imageHeight Number 669 Height of Image
textAreaWidth Number 760 Width of TextArea
textLeftOffset Number 480 Left Offset of Text
titleGravity String south_west Gravity of Title
taglineGravity String north_west Gravity of Tagline
titleLeftOffset Number None Left Offset of Title
taglineLeftOffset Number None Left Offset of Tagline
titleBottomOffset Number 254 Bottom Offset of Title
taglineTopOffset Number 445 Top Offset of Tagline
textColor String 000000 Color of Text
titleColor String None Color of Title (If not provided textColor will be used instead
taglineColor String None Color of Tagline (If not provided textColor will be used instead
titleFontSize Number 64 Font Size of Title
taglineFontSize Number 48 Font Size of Tagline

Note: If you don't provide Tagline, Parameters with tagline Prefix will be ignored.
We may add more Customization to ShareImage in the Future.


We have been sponsored by Vercel, MacStadium.
Vercel gave us free Pro Plan access to host the documentation and other websites.
MacStadium gave us free Mac Mini Server to host the API and for builds.

Powered By Vercel