
Create sidebar/sidenav

npm install sidebar-js@1.0.4



Create sidebar/sidenav experiance in pure javascript.

npm install sidebar-js --save


Option Default Type Description
documentMinSwipeX 10 Number Minimum swipe in px required to trigger listener: open
documentSwipeRange 40 Number Range in px where document is listening for gesture: open
nativeSwipe true Boolean Open and close sidebar with swipe gestures
nativeSwipeOpen true Boolean Enable/Disable open on swipe
position 'left' String Sidebar position, accepted values: left\right
var rightSidebarjs = new SidebarJS('navbar', {
  documentMinSwipeX: 10,
  documentSwipeRange: 40,
  nativeSwipe: true,
  nativeSwipeOpen: true,
  position: 'left',

Implementation - Superfast explanation

Insert sidebarjs.css and sidebarjs.js in your index.html file and create a tag (div, aside or what you prefer) with the attribute [sidebarjs]. All contents you will write inside tag[sidebarjs] will be rendered inside the sidebar. For open/close the sidebar, put wherever you want the [sidebarjs-toggle] attribute. Then simply init it with new SidebarJS("sidebarjs") and you are ready!

Implementation - Explanation step by step

Download files

Download and save all files

$ npm install sidebar-js --save

Insert sidebarjs.css and sidebarjs.js in your index.html.

Create SidebarJS element

Write [sidebarjs] attribute inside a tag (div, aside, or whatever you want).

<div sidebarjs>
    <a href="link">Home</a>
    <a href="link">About</a>
    <a href="link">Contacts</a>

Trigger button

Do you need a trigger button for open/close SidebarJS? Just put [sidebarjs-toggle] attribute inside a tag and it's done!

<div sidebarjs-toggle>Open/Close</div>


When you have files, [sidebarjs] and [sidebarjs-toggle] you can init your SidebarJS Module like:

var sidebarjs = new SidebarJS("sidebarjs")

Full file example


  <link rel="stylesheet" href="your/path/sidebarjs.css">


  <div id="navbar-toggle">Open/Close</div>

  <div id="navbar">
      <a href="link">Home</a>
      <a href="link">About</a>
      <a href="link">Contacts</a>

  <script src="your/path/sidebarjs.js"></script>
    // Init SidebarJS
    var sidebarjs = new SidebarJS("#navbar");
