
A simple flexible javascript library that creates random alpha-numeric strings. Works in both NodeJS and the browser.

random, alpha-numeric, temporary, temp, tempfile, simple, secure, security, password
npm install simple-random@0.3.3


Simple Random

Build Status npm version npm

A simple flexible javascript library that creates random alpha-numeric strings. Very useful when creating random names for files, folders. Can also create secure random strings for temporary passwords and salts.

Works in both NodeJS and the browser.

###Secure Random if the secure option is set to true, we can create a random byte seed with a cryptography library as opposed to Math.random(). In Node we use the default crypto library. In webpack / browser versions we use the Web Cryptography API if supported.


npm install simple-random --save 

##Usage ###Node

var sr = require('simple-random');
var randomString = sr(); // Generates a 16 character alpha-numeric string.
// Example output: "pnxTcl2nOBqTNFQR"


var sr = require('simple-random/browser'); 
var randomString = sr(); // Generates a 16 character alpha-numeric string.
// Example output: "pnxTcl2nOBqTNFQR"


<script src="simple-random/dist/simple_random.js"></script>
var randomString = window.simpleRandom();

//Secure Random
var secureRandom;
if (simpleRandom.isSecureSupported){
  secureRandom = simpleRandom({secure:true})



  • length: The length of the alpha-numeric string (default 16).
  • digits: should allow digits in random string (default true).
  • letters: should allow letters in random string (default true).
  • caseSensitive: if set to false, only lowercase letter characters will be used (default true).
  • secure: Whether or not to use the crypto library for secure random byte seed as opposed to Math.random() (default false).
  • prefix: Prefix.
  • suffix: Suffix.
  • chars: A string containing all the characters to draw from, defaults to all alpha-numeric characters (overrides digits, letters and caseSensitive flags).