
A simple countdown with style customizable

npm install simplecountdown@1.1.1



A simple countdown

Simple example

Include library in your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="simplecountdown.js"></script>

Add div container:

<div id="myCountdown"></div>

Add js to load countdown:

<script type="text/javascript">
  var deadline = '2016-08-15 15:00:00';
  SimpleCountdown.autoDisplay('myCountdown', deadline);

Example with theme

It is possible to add custom theme to customize countdown style.

Themes are in separated package:

Theme should be specified adding a third parameter to autoDisplay method, if no theme is specified, raw theme is used by default. A theme named "playa" is provided with this countdown. For use playa theme, include playa.js file in your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="simplecountdown.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="simplecountdown-theme-playa.js"></script>

Add div container:

<div id="myCountdown"></div>

Add js to load countdown:

<script type="text/javascript">
  SimpleCountdown.autoDisplay('myCountdown', '2022-10-15 15:00:00', "playa");

Develop your own theme

To develop your own theme you have to call addTheme method with a json object in paramter like describe below:

    myNewTheme: { // myNewTheme is the name of the theme, name to specify in method autoDisplay in third parameter
       content: {
         title: "My title", // Title displayed above the counter
         custom: "My custom content" // Optional custom content set in a div with class='sc-custom', if this properties is not set the content of the div is empty
       style: {
         container: ".sc-container{}", // sc-container is the class of countdown container
         title: ".sc-title{}", // sc-title is the class of title div, add your css here to customize title
         brick: ".sc-brick{}", // sc-brick is the class of each div which contains number and legend
         number: ".sc-number{}", // sc-number is the class of each span in which numbers are displayed
         legend:".sc-legend{}", // sc-legend is the class of each span in which legend (day, hour, minute, second) is displayed
         custom: ".sc-custom{}" // optional style for the custom div, sc-custom is the class of custom div which display the custom content (myNewTheme.content.custom)
  function myCallback(){console.log('my callback')}, // optional callback called after the theme css application, this callback has no parameter and must be set in second parameter of addTheme function
  function myCallbackZero(){console.log('my callback zero')} // optional callback called when time is over, this callback has no parameter and must be set in third parameter of addTheme function

Release management (must be automated)

  • checkout master
  • run npm install
  • create new PR for branch $npm_package_version
  • merge the PR
  • checkout master
  • run npm publish