AppGyver Steroids Command Line Interface

steroids.js, appgyver, client, cli, phonegap, cordova, supersonic, ionic
npm install steroids@5.0.0


AppGyver Steroids CLI NPM version

AppGyver Steroids 2 is PhoneGap on Steroids, providing native UI elements, multiple WebViews and enhancements for better developer productivity.

Build status

OS X / Linux: Build status in Travis CI

Windows: Windows build status


  • Node.js 0.10.x and NPM
  • Git
  • XCode and Command-line Tools (OS X only)


Please follow our installation wizard if you're new to the Node ecosystem and need help with the installation.

Install Steroids globally with the -g flag:

$ npm install steroids -g

Note that some third-party NPM packages might give warnings during the install project. These warnings shouldn't affect how the Steroids npm functions.


$ steroids create directory_name
$ cd directory_name
$ steroids connect

More usage information is available via

$ steroids usage


After pulling from remote, to ensure all dependencies are updated properly:

$ rm -rf node_modules

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

Link your steroids folder into the global namespace:

$ npm link

Run with $ steroids command.



Bugs, feedback

Please report bugs into this repository's issue tracker. Please include a repro and all information about the situation in which the bug appears, including OS, Steroids and Node version number, possible AppGyver Scanner versions etc.

We also want to get your feedback! Drop us a mail at

Testing npm

To run unit tests:

$ ./bin/test release    # release testing, also creates required `__testApp`
$ ./bin/test fast       # skip time consuming tests
$ ./bin/test            # full test suite, skip setup (release)
$ ./bin/test path/to/


We gladly accept pull requests! However, please include only one feature or fix per one pull request. It will be much easier to review and merge each contribution.

To develop Steroids-npm locally:

  • Clone this repo and install its dependencies (npm install).
  • Create a symlink from /usr/local/bin/devroids to your development Steroids executable.
  • Use devroids as you would use steroids.


Steroids is deployed via Travis-CI. Tagging a version and pushing to Github is sufficient for Travis to make a release. For example:

npm version patch
git push origin master --tags

Travis will publish to npm if and only if tests pass for the tagged release.

Continuous integration setup notes

Steroids' CI setup relies on a custom OS X box, which happens to lack NVM for setting up the Node.js environment. This is why the .travis.yml configuration is a bit nonstandard, and we use custom installation scripts for handling dependencies. Please refer to ./scripts/travis.
