
Save your role permissions to config files that can be committed and reapplied to the database.

Strapi, v3, v4, Users, Permissions, Export, Import, Save, Database
npm install strapi-users-permissions-export@0.1.3


Strapi Users Permissions Export

Save your role permissions to config files that can be committed and reapplied to the database.

This is a cli tool to export strapi role permissions to a json file. It can also import the role permissions back into a strapi database.

This can be useful when switching branches with different permissions. Commit these exported files to your repository and import them when switching branches.

Permissions can be changed in the strapi admin panel and exported or changed directly in the json file and imported.


Create an full access api-key or user with these permissions:

  • userspermissions/createrole
  • userspermissions/getrole
  • userspermissions/getroles
  • userspermissions/updaterole

Strapi should be running alongside this cli tool.

Export Role Permissions from strapi database to json

Navigate to the root of your strapi project and run the following command:
npx strapi-users-permissions-export

This will show the help and run again with the flags to export your permissions.


  • v4 npx strapi-users-permissions-export -s http://localhost:1337/api -k <api-key> export
  • v3 npx strapi-users-permissions-export -v 3 -s http://localhost:1337 -u <email> -p <password> export

Import Role Permissions back into strapi database from json

Navigate to the root of your strapi project and run the following command:
npx strapi-users-permissions-export

This will show the help and run again with the flags to export your permissions.


  • v4 npx strapi-users-permissions-export -s http://localhost:1337/api -k <api-key> import
  • v3 npx strapi-users-permissions-export -v 3 -s http://localhost:1337 -u <email> -p <password> import

