
Create streams from arrays of arbitrary Javascript values like strings, functions, arrays, etc.

readable, object, stream, gulpfriendly, adapter, to stream, array
npm install stream-from-array@1.0.0


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Create streams from arrays of arbitrary Javascript values like strings, functions, arrays, etc.

npm install stream-from-array --save


Stream of array of String | Buffers

import StreamFromArray from 'stream-from-array';

StreamFromArray(['some', ' ', 'strings'])
  .pipe(process.stdout); // output: some strings

StreamFromArray([new Buffer('some') , ' mixed ', new Buffer('strings')])
  .pipe(process.stdout); // output: some mixed strings

Stream of (arbitrary) Javascript Values

import StreamFromArray from 'stream-from-array';

let i = 0;

StreamFromArray.obj(['some', 42, 'mixed', 'array', () => {}])
  .on('data', data => {
    console.log(i++ + ': ' + typeof data);
    /* outputs:
      0: string
      1: number
      2: string
      3: string
      4: function

Stream of Gulp Files

Gulp files are vinyl files:

npm install vinyl

Test some awsome Gulp plugin:

import StreamFromArray from 'stream-from-array';
import File from 'vinyl';

const hello = new File({
      cwd: '/',
      base: '/hello/',
      path: '/hello/hello.js',
      contents: new Buffer('console.log("Hello");')

const world = new File({
      cwd: '/',
      base: '/hello/',
      path: '/hello/world.js',
      contents: new Buffer('console.log("world!");')

StreamFromArray.obj([hello, world])
  .on('data', file => {
    console.log(file.contents.toString()); // dunno what someAwsomeGulpPlugin does :)

See also stream-recorder for testing gulp plugins with stream-from-array.


Class: StreamFromArray

StreamFromArrays are Readable streams.

new StreamFromArray(array, [options])

  • array Array Array of arbitrary Javascript values like numbers, strings, objects, functions, ...
  • options Object passed through new Readable([options])

Note: The new operator can be omitted.

StreamFromArray#obj(array, [options])

A convenience wrapper for new StreamFromArray(array, {objectMode: true, ...}).


MIT © Michael Mayer