Semantic-UI Toolkit - In Loco theme

inlocomedia, javascript, react, semantic-ui
npm install supernova-inloco@3.0.0-beta.68


Semantic-UI Toolkit - Inloco theme

You can see and interact with the components here.


  npm install --save supernova-inloco
  yarn add supernova-inloco


We're using yarn's lockfile, so we'll assume that it's the one being used, but note that npm will also work.


To setup the project, you just need to have Yarn installed and run it to install the project's dependencies:


Then we run the command below to update css with our customizations:

  yarn run build:css

Watch (Hot reloading)

To update css on file change:

  yarn run watch:css


We're using Storybook, to easily see and test the components.

Run it with:

  yarn storybook

Then open it at the url indicated on the terminal, probably: http://localhost:9001/.


To release supernova, follow these steps (let's pretend we're releasing 1.2.3):

  1. Update the version in package.json to the new one (in this case 1.2.3).
  2. Create a commit with the version number as the title: v1.2.3:
git commit -m v1.2.3
  1. Create a new git tag:
git tag -a v1.2.3 -m v1.2.3
  1. Push the commit and the tag to master:
git push origin master --tags
  1. Publish to npm (you'll need to be logged in as In Loco for that):
npm publish

Deploying Storybook

After releasing a new version, it's important to also update the Storybook running in our gh page to display the new changes.

This can be done by running a simple yarn script:

yarn deploy:storybook