
simplify visual regression testing with screenshot capture and compare

taiko, testing, bdd, tdd, vrt, visual testing, test automation, puppeteer, selenium, browser
npm install taiko-screencheck@1.0.21


taiko screencheck

Node.js CI


npm install taiko-screencheck



taiko-screencheck is a taiko plugin that assists visual regression testing by tracking changes to screenshots. It introduces a screencheck method that has the same signature as the built-in screenshot method, except that it returns the result of comparing this screenshot to a reference screenshot normally stored in a subdirectory of the the working directory.

By default taiko-screencheck will automatically create a directory for screenshots whenever taiko is loaded. It is recommended that test developers use the screenshotSetup method to override this behaviour with information particular to a given test run.

Taiko Methods


screencheck(screenshotOptions = {}) => { 
   result:string = "SAME" | "DIFFERENT" | "NO_BASE_IMAGE",
   data:Buffer, referenceData:Buffer = undefined, pixelCount:number 

This method takes and saves a screenshot, and compares it to the reference screenshot to the equivalent screenshot in the detected or configured reference run (see screencheckSetup).

The value of result indicates whether or not the screenshots differ.

Taiko CLI example:

await openBrowser()
await goto("dcdc.io")
homepage = await screencheck()
assert.equal(homepage.result, "SAME")


screencheckSetup(options = { 
   runId:string = <auto>, refRunId:string = <auto>, baseDir:string = <cwd>
}) => options

This method optionally configures screencheck to use custom directories for output and comparison.


  1. My headless screen captures never match my headed screen captures of the same page. This may be happening because you have a high DPI display. Try setting your desktop as a 1:1 pixel ratio to your display device. Alternatively you may want to avoid headed mode for the creation of reference images.


Clone the git repository and use the _test_harness subdirectory to test the plugin in the taiko environment. The repository includes a Visual Studio Code configuration for debugging in a taiko context.

git clone https://github.com/dcdc-io/taiko-screencheck
cd taiko-screencheck
npm install
npm run build
npm run test