A scalable set of icons handcrafted with <3 by Talend.

Talend, icons, svg
npm install talend-icons@0.111.0


Talend Icons

This is the set of SVG icons used in our apps.


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How to use

To use this icon set you just have to install it through NPM.

npm install talend-icons

Next you can get the icon set object through a simple require:

var icons = require('talend-icons').default;
<svg ...></svg>

This icon set is registred within react-talend-components Icon. So you can use it through this addon.

import React from 'react';
import { Icon } from 'react-talend-components';
function MyComponent() {
	return (<Icon name="talend-add" />);

How to contribute

Please be sure you have read our guidelines.

Create a Pull Request and be smart.

How to add an icon

Just add the icon svg file inside the src/svg folder.

On the name of the icon we are following same rule as fontawesome project.

How svg code should look like

## No style embed Styles are defined outside the svg via CSS

The following code snippet illustrate this error

<svg id="cluster" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" viewBox="0 0 800 600">
	<defs><style>.cls-1{fill:#231f20;}</style></defs><title>cluster</title><path class="cls-1" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/><rect class="cls-1" x="650" y="450" width="50" height="50"/><rect class="cls-1" x="100" y="450" width="50" height="50"/><rect class="cls-1" x="200" y="450" width="50" height="50"/><rect class="cls-1" x="300" y="450" width="50" height="50"/>

All path are closed

Complete icon or parts of icon background color should be defined solely by "fill" css attribute. To check if a path is closed the "d" attribute of "path" element end with a z

<path class="cls-1" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/>

All class are user defined

All classes set on complete icon or part of icon should be defined by hand and should be meaningfull

<g class="screwdriver">
<path class="screwdriver-handle" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/>
<path class="screwdriver-tip" d="M650,85.5H150L0,435.5v250H800v-250Zm100,550H50v-150H750Z" transform="translate(0 -85.5)"/>

Use shape element whenever its possible

polygon, circles, ellipse should be used instead of path.

No display="none" elements

those are useless as they can't be styled and only add size to icons