
Set up and tear down a temp directory for running filesystem tests.

jest, testing, filesystem, fs, helpers
npm install test-filesystem@1.3.7



Set up and tear down a temp directory for running filesystem tests.

There are three options for accessing these functions:

  1. CommonJs modules: dist/*.js (default)
  2. ES6 modules: dist/*.mjs
  3. Bundles Browser file: browser/test-fs.js


In your project's root directory, run: npm install --save-dev test-filesystem (or yarn add --dev test-filesystem if you use Yarn).


To use the temporary directory in tests. Do the following in your tests:

import { setUp } from 'test-filesystem'

// Setup the name for your temporary directory
const dirName = 'test-temp/'

// Use the name

// use the beforeEach and afterEach methods of jest to run the setup and teardown functions
  () => setUp.beforeEach()
      () => {
        // Put any additional setup logic here

  () => setUp.afterEach()
      () => {
        // Put any additional teardown logic here


An assortment of objects that can be used in tests and some functions to help debug and write tests.

Version: 1.0.0
Author: Joshua Heagle joshuaheagle@gmail.com

test-fs.circularObject : Object.<string, (string|Object|Array)>

Multilayered node tree-like structure with parent references

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.deepReferenceObject : Object.<string, (string|number|Object)>

Sample object with deep references.

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.domItem : Object.<string, (string|number|Array|Object)>

Sample of domItem child with nested child and optional details

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.jsonDom : Object.<string, (string|number|Array|Object)>

Sample of jsonDom object containing an empty nested array and objects

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.linkedList : Object.<string, (string|Object)>

Sample LinkedList for testing circular references.

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.multiReferenceObject : Object.<string, (string|number|Object)>

Sample of an object containing multiple references.

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.nodeTree : Object.<string, (string|Object|Array)>

Sample NodeTree for testing circular references and arrays.

Kind: static constant of test-fs

test-fs.countMatches(content, search) ⇒ number

Simple way to count string occurrences for testing.

Kind: static method of test-fs

Param Type
content string
search string

test-fs.fileExists(filePath) ⇒ boolean

Detect if a file exists and is usable.

Kind: static method of test-fs

Param Type
filePath string

test-fs.logObject(object, [label], [outputType]) ⇒ string | undefined

Log out an object in a nicely formatted way.

Kind: static method of test-fs

Param Type Default
object Object
[label] string "logging"
[outputType] string "log"

test-fs.removeDirectory(dirPath) ⇒ Promise.<*>

Return a promise to be completed once the specified directory is deleted.

Kind: static method of test-fs

Param Type
dirPath string

test-fs.afterEach() ⇒ Promise.<*>

In the Jest.afterEach function call this one to clean up and remove the temp directory.

Kind: static method of test-fs

test-fs.exports.afterEach([exists]) ⇒ Promise.<(*|void)>

Ensure that the del has completed, recursively attempt to delete and recreate

Kind: static method of test-fs

Param Type Default
[exists] boolean true

test-fs.exports.createTempDir() ⇒ Promise.<(*|void)>

In the Jest.beforeEach function call this one to set up the temp directory.

Kind: static method of test-fs