
Simple YAML file parser for use with the testx library. Converts a YAML file to testx test script (JSON)

yaml, test, testx
npm install testx-yaml-parser@2.0.0



In your test file (mytests/test.yaml):

- go to:
    url: /

# fill in the search box and press search
- set:
    searchBox: sample pdf files

- set:
    searchBtn: ''

# check the content of the pdf file
- check in pdf:
    link: pdfLink
    expect1: D e n t i s t s
    expect2: P o l i t i c i a n s

In your spec file (CoffeeScript):

testx = require 'testx'
yamlParser = require '@testx/parser-yaml'

describe 'Some page', ->
  it 'should work in a certain way', ->
    testx.runScript yamlParser.parseFile 'mytests/test.yaml'

Alternatively you can pass the YAML as a literal string. In CoffeeScript:

testx = require 'testx'
yamlParser = require '@testx/parser-yaml'

describe 'Some page', ->
  it 'should work in a certain way', ->
    testx.runScript yamlParser.parse """

- go to:
    url: /

# fill in the search box and press search
- set:
    searchBox: sample pdf files

- set:
    searchBtn: ''

# check the content of the pdf file
- check in pdf:
    link: pdfLink
    expect1: D e n t i s t s
    expect2: P o l i t i c i a n s