A simple map of key value pairs with support for tiers (e.g. defaults go at tier 25, standards go at 50, and overrides go at tier 75)

attribute, attributes, browser, esnext, map, model, node, tier, tiered, tiers, archived, client-side, data-manipulation, nodejs
npm install tiered-map@2.13.0-next.1603622449.95f8a2407e249d7e685f311fcef81e13f3d03a3f


Tiered Map

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A simple map of key value pairs with support for tiers (e.g. defaults go at tier 25, standards go at 50, and overrides go at tier 75)


var TieredMap = require('tiered-map')

var m = new TieredMap({
	tiers: {
		'high': 75
	onChangeListener: function(key, newValue, oldValue){
		console.log('The key', key, 'changed from', oldValue, 'to', newValue)

m.set('name', 'ben')  // name defaults to ben (default level is 50)
m.set('name', 'bob', 25)  // name will stay bob
m.set('name', null)  // name will become bob
m.set('name', 'john', 'high')  // name will become john

console.log(m.get('name', 75))  // will output john
console.log(m.get('name'))  // will output nothing
console.log(m.get('name', 25))  // will output bob

console.log(m.getTier('high'))  // will output 75

Very useful for having multiple tiers of data attributes with different priorities. For example, you could have default values at tier 25, adjusted values at tier 50, and override values at tier 75.



  • Install: npm install --save tiered-map
  • Import: import * as pkg from ('tiered-map')
  • Require: const pkg = require('tiered-map')


<script type="module">
    import * as pkg from '//dev.jspm.io/tiered-map@2.12.0'


This package is published with the following editions:

  • tiered-map aliases tiered-map/source/index.js
  • tiered-map/source/index.js is ESNext source code for Node.js 10 || 12 || 13 || 14 with Require for modules
  • tiered-map/edition-browsers/index.js is ESNext compiled for web browsers with Require for modules


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