Tiptap Extension: Collaboration
A library for collaborative editing with tiptap.
Enhancements over tiptap's example
This library is based on the example provided by tiptap.
- Cursors and selections handling have been added.
- The socket server connection is handled inside the library.
Socket server
For this library to work, you need to use a socket server run with this library : tiptap-collab-server
npm install tiptap-extension-collaboration
Basic Setup
import { Collaboration, Cursors } from 'tiptap-extension-collaboration'
new Editor({
extensions: [
new Cursors(),
new Collaboration({
socketServerBaseURL: 'http://localhost:6002',
namespace: 'Directory-A',
room: 'Document-1',
clientID: String(Math.floor(Math.random() * 0xFFFFFFFF)),
joinOptions: {},
debounce: 250,
keepFocusOnBlur: false,
onConnected: () => {},
onConnectedFailed: (error) => {},
onDisconnected: () => {},
onClientsUpdate: ({clientsIDs, clientID}) => {},
onSaving: () => {},
onSaved: () => {},
Use of Cursors extension is optional
Contributions are welcome
Installs dependencies
npm install
Builds library for publication
npm run build
Compiles and hot-reloads example app for development
npm run serve-example