A library that connects Trello to kintone

trello, kintone
npm install trekin@0.7.0



A npm library that connects Trello to kintone.

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Use the package manager npm to install trekin.

npm i trekin


Please read this repository.


Supported Trello events

  • createCard
  • updateCard
  • copyCard
  • createList
  • updateList
  • createLabel
  • updateLabel
  • addLabelToCard
  • removeLabelFromCard
  • addMemberToCard
  • removeMemberFromCard
  • commentCard


Instantiation Trekin

import { Trekin } from "trekin";

const trekin = new Trekin(
    baseUrl: "https://example.cybozu.com/", // Your domain
    defaultKintoneUserCode: "john",  // Your kintone user code
    cards: {
      id: "1", // Your kintone app ID for Card
      token: "...", // Your kintone app API token for Card
    labels: {
      id: "2", // Your kintone app ID for Label
      token: "...", // Your kintone app API token for Label
    lists: {
      id: "3", // Your kintone app ID for List
      token: "...", // Your kintone app API token for List
    members: {
      id: "4", // Your kintone app ID for Member
      token: "...", // Your kintone app API token for Member
    apiKey: "...", // Your Trello user API key
    apiToken: "...", // Your Trello user API token

Storing Trello events in Objects

Turn Trello's webhook response into an object.

const trelloWebhookAction: Action = JSON.parse(
  await fs.readFileSync("trelloEvent.json", "utf8")

Post Trello events to kintone

const result = await trekin.operation(trelloWebhookAction);
console.info("Operation\n" + JSON.stringify(result));

Post kintone events to Trello

const postResult = await trekin.postOperation(trelloWebhookAction);
console.info("Post operation\n" + JSON.stringify(postResult));

Setting of trekin

Exclude Card

Trekin support Card exclusion settings. If all the conditions enclosed in braces are met, the event is skipped.

trekin.guardian.setting = {
  excludes: [
      charactersOrLess: 12,
      match: "\\d{2}\\/\\d{2}\\/\\d{4}",
      match: "Test!!"
  • Card name is ⬆️27/09/2020, skip.
  • Card name is Prepare for the event on 27/09/2020., not skip.
  • Card name is This is createCard Test!!, skip.
Exclude option list
option type description
charactersOrLess number If the card name is less than or equal to the set value, exclude it.
match regexp If the card name matches to the set regular expression, exclude it.

Release NPM Package

  1. Comment @shipjs prepare to pull request. (example)
  2. A pull request named "chore: release vX.X.X.X" is generated.(example)
  3. To "Squash and merge" that pull request.
  4. Automatic release.



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