
A library for interacting with the Discord API to create your very own bot

npm install trssscord@1.0.1


TrsssCord innit

A crappy library for commuicating with the Discord API to make your very own (amazing) Discord Bot

Why should I use this?

Because it kind of works

Why should I NOT use this?

  • Because it has very little compared to other ones
  • Errors are very crappy
  • It is very inefficient
  • Proably crash
  • Inconsistant (I think)

Yea ok anyway, but what if I wanna use it

Well if you really want to, follow the following

Getting started

  1. Download this repository and add it to a new folder
  2. Include it using
    const Discord = require("src/index.js") // Or wherever you put it
  3. Welldone you did it

Creating the client

If you haven't already, go to to create yourself a bot and obtain it's token.

Next you'll want to create the client in your code, here is an example:

const clinet = new Discord.Client({
    intents: [

With the above example, this will create a bot that can recieve guild messages with their content. For other intents just look at the discord developer documentation.

Next, to login use the client.login() method:

client.login("<your token goes here>");

This will connect your bot to the Discord API and your bot will magically come to life.

But you may be asking; why is there no output?

Don't worry! For we have events!

All events are registered using client.on("<event>", <callback>), here is an on ready example:

client.on("ready", () => {
    console.log("The client is ready!");

This will fire the moment the bot comes online and is ready to recieve events.


The debug event is fired for everytime something happens in the library.

client.on("debug", (message) => {


This is fired every time a message has been sent.

client.on("messageCreate", (message) => {
    if (message.content == "!ping")
        return message.reply("Pong!");

When a user sends "!ping" the bot will reply with "Pong!" This requires the message content intent


This will fire when a user edits their message

client.on("messageUpdate", (message) => {
    console.log( + " edited their message!");


This will fire whenever a user deletes a message

client.on("messageDelete", (message) => {
    console.log( + " deleted their message!");

Message Methods

Here are some common methods that can be used on a message object


Deletes a message message.delete()


Replies to a message message.reply("hi!")


Edits a message message.edit("I edited this message!")


Fetches the message that the message is replying too let msg = await message.messageReference.fetch()

pin / unpin

Pins or unpins a message in a channel message.unpin()


Removes all reactions on a message message.clearReactions()

Channel Methods

Some common methods for the channel object


Send a message to a channel channel.send("hi!")"hi!")

Modifying settings

  • channel.setName("new Name") Modifies a channel's name
  • channel.setTopic("new topic") Modifies a channel's topic
  • channel.setNsfw(false) Changes a channel's NSFW setting
  • channel.typing() Sends a typing indicator
  • channel.getPinned() Returns an array of messages that are pinned
  • channel.getMessage("<message id>") Fetches a message within a channel
  • channel.delete() Deletes a channel

User AND member methods

Methods you can use on a user object


Send a message to a user"hi!");

member methods


Modifies a member's nick message.member.setNick("Awesome person")

Client methods


Login to your application client.login("<discord token>")

Fetch channel

Fetches a channel by id let channel = await client.fetchChannel("<channel id>")

Get self

Returns the currently logged in user let user = await client.getSelf()

Other things

Sending messages

There are multiple ways messages can be formatted on .send() and .reply()

  1. Only string .send("hello")
  2. Only embed .send(<embed Object>)
  3. Sting AND embed .send("hello", <embed Object>)
  4. Data .send({ content: "Hello", embeds: [ <embed Object> ] })
  5. String and data .send("hello", { embeds: [ <embed Object> ] })

Creating embeds

To create a embed, first initiate one:

let embed = new Dicord.Embed()

Methods on this can be directly added in a chain, here is what can be added:

.setImage(<string url>)
.setColor(<hex or decimal color>)
.addField(<name: string>, <value: string>, <inline: true>)
.setAuthor(<text: string>, <icon: string url>)
.setFooter(<text: string>, <icon: string url>)
.setThumbnail(<string url>)


let embed = new Discord.Embed().setTite("hi").setDescription("Hello!").setColor("#FFB6C1");