A Fast and Easy To Use View Engine, Compiled In Go

nodejs, express, npm, turbx, view engine, template engine, html, xhtml, md, markdown, go, golang
npm install turbx@1.5.0



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A Fast and Easy To Use View Engine, Compiled In Go.

Notice: This View Engine Is Currently In Beta

Whats New

  • Repeated vars can now optionally be pre compiled


sudo apt-get install libpcre3-dev

npm install turbx


const express = require('express');
const {join} = require('path');
const turbx = require('turbx');

const app = express();

app.engine('xhtml', turbx({
  /* global options */
  template: 'layout',
  opts: {default: 'some default options for res.render'},
  before: function(opts){
    // do stuff before res.render
  after: function(opts, html /* html string containing the compiled output */){
    // do stuff after res.render
app.set('views', join(__dirname, 'views'));
app.set('view engine', 'xhtml');

app.use(function(req, res, next){
  res.render('index', {
    title: 'example',
    content: '<h2>Hello, World!</h2>',
    const: {
      // the const object can be used to precompile a var, and not need to compile it again
      GoogleAuthToken: 'This Value Will Never Change',

// pre compiling constant vars
app.use(async function(req, res, next){
  let preCompiled = await res.preCompiled('index');
    const SomethingConsistant = await someLongProcess();

    await res.preRender('index', {
      myConstVar: SomethingConsistant,

  res.render('index', {
    title: 'example',
    content: '<h2>Hello, World!</h2>',

// pre compiling and overriding the cache
app.use('/fix-cache', async function(req, res, next){
  res.render('index', {
    PreCompile: true, // this will override the existing cache and rebuild it with the new data (or create a new cache)

    title: 'example',
    content: '<h2>Hello, World!</h2>',


<!-- this is a comment -->
/* this is also a comment */
// this is an inline comment

<!-- output a variable with escaped HTML -->

<!-- output a variable and allow HTML -->

<!-- output a variable with a fallback -->
{{title|name|'Default Title'}}

<!-- output a variable as an attribute (this method will remove the attribute if the value is undefined) -->
<a {{href="url"}}>Link</a>

<!-- this is a shortcut if the attribute name matches the variable name -->
<a {{="href"}}>Link</a>

<!-- you can safely insert object keys (if an object is undefined, this will return blank, and will Not crash) -->

<!-- use dot notation for array indexes -->

<!-- use the value of the "key" var as the key of "obj" -->

<!-- functions start with an _ -->
<_if var1 & var2 = 'b' | var2 = 'c' | !var3>
  do stuff...
<_elif !var1 & var2 = 'a'/>
  do other stuff...
  do final stuff...

<_each myObj as value of key in index>
  {{key}}: {{value}}
  array index: {{index}}

<!-- A component is imported by using a capital first letter -->
<!-- The file should also be named with a capital first letter -->
<!-- args can be passed into a component -->
<MyComponent arg1="value 1" arg2="value 2" type="h1">
  Some body to add to the component

<!-- component without a body -->
<MyComponent arg1="value"/>

<!-- file: MyComponent.xhtml -->
{{arg1}} - {{arg2}}

<!-- file: layout.xhtml -->
      <!-- Insert Body -->

Other Functions

  <!-- random paragraph of lorem ipsum text -->
  <!-- paragraph of lorem ipsum text with 2 sentences -->
  <_lorem 2/>
  <!-- sentence of lorem ipsum text with 3-5 words -->
  <_lorem s 3 5/>
  <!-- word of lorem ipsum text with 5-10 letters -->
  <_lorem w 5 10/>

  <!-- embed a youtube video -->
  <_youtube url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJeBRW1QQMA" />
  <!-- embed a youtube playlist -->
  <_youtube url="https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0vfts4VzfNjnYhJMfTulea5McZbQLM7G" />
  <!-- alias for yourube embed function -->
  <_yt url="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJeBRW1QQMA" />
  <!-- this function accepts multiple url formats -->
  <_yt url="youtu.be/SJeBRW1QQMA" />

Additional Features

// add basic rate limiting
// this function uses the express-device-rate-limit module made my AspieSoft
turbx.rateLimit(app, {opts /* for express-device-rate-limit module */});

// auto render views as pages
turbx.renderPages(app, {opts});
// also recognizes folders with an index.xhtml file
// ignores the components folder and tries to ignore root files named after error codes (or in an "error" folder)