
unified-doc micromatch search algorithm.

unified, doc, search, micromatch, document, file, content, unist, hast, nlp, algorithm, glob, glob-pattern, glob-matching, wildcard, bash, annotate, compile, export, highlight, html, io, markdown, parse, text, unifiedjs, vfile
npm install unified-doc-search-micromatch@1.0.8



unified document APIs.



unified-doc is the core package for unified document APIs.


function parser(
  content: string | Buffer,
  options?: Record<string, any>,
): Hast;
  • Parsers convert content into a unified hast tree.
  • Naming pattern unified-doc-parse-*
  • Packages:
    • unified-doc-parse-text

Search Algorithms

function search(
  content: string,
  query: string,
  options?: Record<string, any>,
): SearchResult[];

interface SearchResult {
  start: number;
  end: number;
  value: string;
  • Search algorithms return search results with offsets relative to the source text content.
  • Naming pattern unified-doc-search-*
  • Packages:
    • unified-doc-search-regexp

Hast Utils

function util(
  hast: Hast,
  options?: Record<string, any>,
): Hast;
  • hast utils modify and return a new hast tree.
  • Naming pattern unified-doc-util-*
  • Packages:
    • unified-doc-util-annotate
    • unified-doc-util-text-offsets


The project is managed with lerna.

# install dependencies and bootstrap with lerna
npm run bootstrap

# build all packages with microbundle
npm run build

# clean all packages (rm dist + node_modules)
npm run clean

# watch/rebuild all packages with microbundle
npm run dev

# link all packages with lerna
npm run link

# lint all packages with xo + prettier + tsc
npm run lint

# test all packages with jest in --watch mode (make sure to run the 'dev' script)
npm run test

# test all packages in a single run
npm run test:run

# publish all packages with lerna
npm run publish