
Filter a selection of elements by defining a trigger and target(s)

filter, elements, javascript, vanilla, vanillajs
npm install vanillafilter@1.8.0




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VanillaJS library to bind filtering to any element of your choice. Specify the filter trigger and targets (or use the defaults) and let vanillafilter do its' magic.

🍃 Extremely lightweight

~2kb minified
~750bytes gzipped

🎉 VanillaJS

no jQuery required

⚡️ Lightning fast

Instant filtering


Clone the project and open up /demo.html to view a live working vanillafilter demo


  1. Install vanillafilter
Adding it to your module

Install the dependency via Yarn to include it in your modules

$ yarn add vanillafilter

Include it in your module:

import 'vanillafilter';
Direct script include

Download and include the ./dist/js/vanillafilter.min.js script directly in your HTML

<script type="text/javascript" src="[scripts-folder]/vanillafilter.min.js"></script>
  1. Setup your HTML structure for filtering, for example:
<select data-vanillatrigger>
	<option value="">Select filter</option>
	<option value="even">Even</option>
	<option value="odd">Odd</option>

	<li data-vanillatarget="odd">First.</li>
	<li data-vanillatarget="even">Second.</li>
	<li data-vanillatarget="odd">Third.</li>
	<li data-vanillatarget="even">Fourth.</li>

You can use multiple filter values on the data-vanillatarget. Just add the values comma separated in the data-vanillatarget attribute. For example:

<li data-vanillatarget="odd, even">One and two</li>
  1. Create a new vanillafilter by using the following script
	var VanillaFilter = new VanillaFilter();


vanillafilter comes with a set of options for customization. The options can be set as follows:

	var VanillaFilter = new VanillaFilter({
		debug: false,
		vanillaTrigger: 'triggerDataAttribute',
		vanillaTarget: 'targetsDataAttribute',
		vanillaSingleFilter: false,
		vanillaDisplayType: 'wantedDisplayType',
		vanillaFallbackSelector: 'elementSelector',
		vanillaCallbackFunction: function(elementToShow) {
			// Do something with the element that will be shown


Disable or enable debug logging

default: false
Which disabled debug logging

var VanillaFilter = new VanillaFilter({
	debug: true


The data-attribute selector of the element(s) that should trigger the filtering, for example a select dropdown or a div.

default: vanillatrigger
Which selects all [data-vanillatrigger] elements

If you use an input element, such as a <select> or <input type="checkbox">, you should use the value attribute to define the filter value. For example:

<select data-vanillatrigger>
	<option value="">Show all</option>
	<option value="odd">Odd</option>
	<option value="even">Even</option>

Note that you still have to add the data-vanillatrigger attribute on the input elements.

If you use a div, span or any 'clickable' element as trigger, you should define the trigger value in the data-vanillatrigger attribute. For example:

<span data-vanillatrigger="">Show all</span>
<span data-vanillatrigger="odd">Odd</span>
<span data-vanillatrigger="even">Even</span>


The data-attribute selector of the elements that you want to target for filtering, this can be any element.

default: vanillatarget
Which selects all [data-vanillatarget] elements

	<li data-vanillatarget="filtervalue"></li>


Option to force a single active filter. If this is set to true, you'll always filter just one target, instead of adding filters to an array.

default: false

Can be set to true or false.


The CSS 'display' you wish to give the target elements once they're filtered (and shown).

default: block

display: block;


The selector for the element you wish to show when there are no results for the active filters.

default: .vanilla-no-results
Which selects all elements with class 'vanilla-no-results'

<div class="vanilla-no-results">No results for the current filters.</div>


The callback function for each filtered (shown) element.

default: function() {}

vanillaCallbackFunction: function(elementToShow) {
	return elementToShow.classList.toggle('someAnimationClass');