
*[What's in Standard?][website]* is a simple reference page made to help new (or not new) Magic: The Gathering players easily check which sets are currently in [Standard][standard-official], see when the next rotation is going to happen, and understand ho

npm install whatsinstandard@0.0.1


What's in Standard?

What's in Standard? is a simple reference page made to help new (or not new) Magic: The Gathering players easily check which sets are currently in Standard, see when the next rotation is going to happen, and understand how rotations work.


Running it locally

git clone git@github.com:glacials/whatsinstandard
cd whatsinstandard

# OS X
open index.html

# Linux
xdg-open index.html

You shouldn't need to serve the files from any sort of web server. Opening index.html in a browser should work just fine.


The API has a few tests. You can run them with

npm install
npm test

To autorun them whenever test files update, use

npm run autotest


We've got an API. It's super slim and the output is written by hand but it works like a charm.


This is the only API call we have. It returns a JSON array of sets which looks something like this:

    "name": "Battle for Zendikar",
    "block": "Battle for Zendikar",
    "code": "BFZ",
    "enter_date": "2015-10-02T00:00:00.000Z",
    "exit_date": "2017-04-28T00:00:00.000Z",
    "rough_exit_date": "Q2 2017"

The array is guaranteed to contain all sets currently in Standard plus the next two to three unreleased sets.

For API details see the API readme.


Thanks to:

  • For SVG set icon images:
    • BaconCatBug
    • White Dragon
    • Goblin Hero
    • Skibulk
    • Baka-Neku
    • Qanadhar
    • Poopski
  • For gathering them: jninnes