
Wordpress migrate tool, without pain. 🦄

wordpress, migrate, cli, tool, migration
npm install wordpress-migrate-tool@3.0.1



What is wordpress migrate tool?

I migrated tons of wordpress blog. It's really painful to do this job. With this tool you will be able to carry out the transport without pain.

⚡️ That's super simple,

npm i -g wordpress-migrate-tool; # Install wpm
wpm; # Init wpm

🐢 Migrate!

wpm migrate db; # Migrate mysql database to remote server
wpm migrate files; # Migrate wordpress files to remote server

🐣 Thats it.

Usage Examples


Create mysql database in remote server.

wpm mysql create remote

Delete mysql database in remote server.

wpm mysql delete remote

Export mysql database in remote server.

wpm mysql export remote

Import mysql database in remote server.

wpm mysql import remote

Create mysql database in local server.

wpm mysql create local

Delete mysql database in local server.

wpm mysql delete local

Export mysql database in local server.

wpm mysql export local

Import mysql database in local server.

wpm mysql import local

Migrate mysql database to another server.

wpm migrate db

Migrate wordpress files to another server.

wpm migrate db

License 🤘

MIT © Çağatay Çalı