
wsx is a cli tool to extend yarn workspaces to assist managing monorepos. It offers:

monorepo, yarn, yarn run
npm install wsx-cli@1.0.3



yarn run for monorepos!

wsx is a cli tool to extend yarn workspaces to assist managing monorepos. It offers:

  • Run script for each workspace package synchronously or asynchronously.
  • Run script for workspace packages that changed in a given git diff.
    • Include packages that changed and their dependents (recursively).
    • Include only packages that changed.
  • Run scripts in topological order, respecting workspace interdependencies.


npm i -g wsx-cli
yarn global add wsx-cli


Let "root" be the root directory of the monorepo. Consistency requirements:

  • root/package.json must have "workspaces": ["packages/*"].
    • or "workspaces": { "packages": ["packages/*"] }.
  • All workspace interdependencies must have version set to "*".
    • e.g. root/packages/foo depends on root/packages/bar: root/packages/foo/package.json must have "dependencies": { "bar": "*" }.
  • No workspace package can depend on itself.
  • No cyclic workspace dependencies are allowed.

wsx check

wsx check
wsx check --verbose
wsx check --silent

Global options: --silent/-s, --verbose.

wsx list

wsx list
wsx list --diff HEAD
wsx list --diff HEAD^ HEAD --parseable
wsx list -d HEAD~8 HEAD~6 -p
wsx list --verbose
wsx list --silent

Options: --diff/-d, --parseable/-p

Global options: --silent/-s, --verbose.

wsx [script]

(same as wsx run [script])

wsx test
wsx build --diff HEAD --no-sort
wsx deploy --diff HEAD^ HEAD --ignore-dependents
wsx test --diff HEAD~8 HEAD~6 --synchronous
wsx build --diff HEAD^ HEAD --no-sort --ignore-dependents --prefix
wsx test --verbose
wsx test --silent

Options: --synchronous, --diff/-d, --no-sort, --ignore-dependents, --prefix

Global options: --silent/-s, --verbose.

Global Options




-v (version)

TODO: add usage examples outputs.