
Unity tool that lets you set the output of System.Console to Unity's Editor Console, giving you visibility into otherwise invisible logs.

unity, unity-3d, unity-editor, logging, csharp, dotnet, console, unity3d
Install-Package Andeart.SystemConsole -Version 2.0.1




Wouldn't it be cool to have your code (that has no UnityEngine dependencies) be able to print logs to output like...

Console.Write ("This is message from my own DLL, that has no UnityEngine dependencies.");

... and be able to view that output in real-time in Unity's Editor console? console-log

If you think so, you came to the right place!

UnityLabs.SystemConsole is a tool that lets you set the output of System.Console to Unity's Editor console, giving you visibility into otherwise invisible logs. This is useful in viewing System.Console output from third-party plugins, internal Unity logs, and other C# libraries in real-time on the Editor console.


In Editor:
Use the context menu.


The checkmark shows the current enabled status of SystemConsole.
Once checked, all System.Console write statements are automatically logged to Unity's console. Click this again to turn it off. This state also persists through run time, once the game is started in Editor.

In code:
Toggle SystemConsole by calling...

SystemConsoleLoggerService.IsEnabled = true;
// or set to false to turn it off.

This can be useful when you have configurations that want to change this setting in builds, rather than in Editor.
Note that the Editor context menu automatically updates its "checkmark" if this SystemConsole is enabled/disabled in run time code.


  • Download the Andeart.SystemConsole.dll file from the NuGet page, or from the Github releases page.
  • Add this file anywhere in your Unity project. Any sub-directory under Assets will work- it does not need to be under an Editor folder. If you want to be able to change settings at run time, then this should not be under an Editor folder.
  • Optional: Also drop the Andeart.SystemConsole.pdb and Andeart.SystemConsole.xml files in the same location if you're interested in debugging.
  • All the functionality mentioned above should now automatically be available in your code and Unity Editor.


Please feel free to send merge requests, or drop me a message. Cheers!