
A collection ASP.NET Core templates

Keywords, core, .net, template
Install-Package AspNetCore.Web.Templates -Version 1.0.12


ASP.NET Core Template Pack

Build status

Contains the following project templates for ASP.NET Core development:

  • Static website template
  • MVC Basic template
  • MVC Fast template
  • Blog application
  • Photo Gallery application


Command line

In the console, execute the following command:

dotnet new -i "MadsKristensen.AspNetCore.Web.Templates::*"

Visual Studio 2017.3

The extension adds the project template to the ASP.NET New Project dialog:

New Project Dialog


Static Website

Uses the ASP.NET Core project system to provide the latest features in Visual Studio web tooling to create a completely static website. No C# in the project at all - just plain old CSS, JavaScript and HTML.

Static Web Screenshot

Custom MimeType mappings

See the Static Site Helper repo for how to serve custom file extensions at development time through ASP.NET Core.


dotnet new staticweb -n myapp

MVC Basic

This template makes it super easy to get started with building an ASP.NET Core MVC application. It doesn't have any dependencies on Bower, npm, BundlerMinifier, Bootstrap, jQuery or anything else. It's the perfect starting point for developers that know their ASP.NET Core.

Mvc Basic Screenshot


dotnet new mvcbasic -n myapp

MVC Fast

This template is a variation of the MVC Basic template, but with added features for creating high performance web applications.


  • Using Gulp to bundle and minify CSS and JS files
  • Minifies the HTML
  • Uses response caching on both client and server
  • Inline CSS for above the fold content
  • Cache busting of CSS and JS references

Mvc Fast Screenshot

The template points starts you out with the best score on

Speed test

As well as 100/100 points on PageSpeed Insights

PageSpeed Insights


dotnet new mvcfast -n myapp && npm install

Blog application

This is the Miniblog.Core application - a high performant and full featured blogging app.

Photo Gallery application

This is the Photo Gallery application - A photo gallery site implemented in ASP.NET Core 2.0 Razor Pages.