
A dotnet-new template for libraries using .NET Core and NuGet.

Install-Package Axoom.Templates.Library -Version 0.9.0


AXOOM Library Template

NuGet package Build status

This template helps you create reusable .NET Standard libraries for distribution and consumption via NuGet.

If this is not your goal one of our other templates may be a better match:

Using the template

Download and install the .NET Core SDK on your machine. You can then install the template by running the following:

dotnet new --install Axoom.Templates.Library::*

To use the template to create a new project:

dotnet new axoom-lib --name "MyVendor.MyLibrary" --author "My Company" --description "my description"
cd MyVendor.MyLibrary
git init

In the commands above replace

  • MyVendor.MyLibrary with the .NET namespace and NuGet package name you wish to use,
  • My Name with the name of your company and
  • my description with a brief (single sentence) description of the library.

You can now open the generated project using your favorite IDE. We recommend Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or Rider.


The following is a detailed walkthrough of the project structure generated by the template. To follow along you can either use the output of dotnet new or this repository.

The content/ directory in this repository contains the payload that is instantiated by the template. The file content/.template.config/template.json instructs the templating engine which placeholders to replace. The following descriptions all refer to files and directories below this directory.

Formatting and encoding

The .gitignore file prevents build artifacts, per-user settings and IDE-specific temp files from being checked into version control.

The .gitattributes file disable's Git's automatic End of Line (EOL) conversion between Windows and Linux. This ensures that files are binary-identical on all platforms.

We use EditorConfig to define and maintain consistent coding styles between different editors and IDEs. Our .editorconfig file also ensures a consistent EOL style and charset encoding based on file type.


We decided to use GitVersion to extract version information from our git commits. Hence, we make use of git tags to create a release whereas all other commits are pre-releases by default. The source code itself contains no version numbers. The GitVersion.yml file configures GitVersion to extract a version number like the following from an untagged commit:

Version Part Description
0.1.1 The latest tag with a bumped patch version
pre0045 Indicates, that it's a prerelease (of 0.1.1) and 45 commits have been made since the last tag (0.1.0)
20180404094115 The Timestamp 04/04/2018 09:41:15

Whereas 0.1.1 is extracted from a commit with tag 0.1.1.

Project structure

src/ contains the C# project structure.


TODO: Build scripts

