Package with multiple field validations for MAUI.
Easily validate numbers, texts and implement masks.
This is the component, works on iOS, Android and UWP.
Name | Info |
Bertuzzi.MAUI.BehaviorValidationPack |
Platform Support
Bertuzzi.MAUI.BehaviorValidationPack is a MAUI library.
Setup / Usage
Does not require additional configuration. Just install the package in the shared project and use.
You just need to add the reference in your xaml file.
<Label Text="Date" FontSize="Small" />
<DatePicker >
<behaviorPack:MaskedBehavior Mask="XX/XX/XXXX" />
<Label Text="Age" FontSize="Small" />
<Entry Placeholder="Age" FontSize="Small">
<behaviorPack:MaxLengthValidationBehavior MaxLength="2"/>
Available Behaviors
Global Validators
- DateValidationBehavior : Checks if an Date is valid.
- EmailValidationBehavior : Checks if an email is valid.
- MaxLengthValidationBehavior : Limits a Entry with a maximum number of characters.
- NumberValidationBehavior : Valid if a Entry is numeric.
- PasswordValidationBehavior : Validate the strength of a password: at least 8 characters at least 1 numeric character at least 1 lowercase letter at least 1 uppercase letter at least 1 special character
Brazilians Validators
- CEPValidationBehavior : Checks if an CEP is valid.
- CNPJValidationBehavior : Checks if an CNPJ is valid.
- CPFValidationBehavior : Checks if an CPF is valid.
- CPFCNPJValidationBehavior : Checks if an CPF or CNPJ is valid.
- MaskedBehavior : Creates a custom mask on an entry.
<behaviorPack:MaskedBehavior Mask="XX/XX/XXXX" />
The complete example can be downloaded here:
based on my package :