Functional programming and other utilities for C#

functional, utility, api, library, csharp, dotnet, dotnet-core
Install-Package CSharpx -Version 2.8.0-rc.2


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Functional programming and other utilities for C#, following don't reinvent the wheel philosophy. This project was inspired by Real-World Functional Programming and includes code from MoreLINQ.

Every source file contains conditional compilation symbols to change type visibility from public to internal and set other preferences.

If you can't customize it enough using compiler directives, please tell me or fork it and do it in your way.

OSS project that includes CSharpx:

CSharpx is also used with success in various closed source project.


It allows also source inclusion in other projects. Just one or more files in your project tree or reference it using Paket:


github gsscoder/csharpx src/csharpx/Maybe.cs 

paket.references (if you've a directory called Internal)

File:Maybe.cs Internal
  • Paket will alter your csproj file adding a Compile item, so you need to set EnableDefaultCompileItems property to false. At this point, every other source file must be handled in the same way. For more detailed informations please read Paket Documentation.

Conditional compilation constants of previous version are semplified to one. CSX_TYPES_INTERNAL if set allows you to set visibility to internal.

Source code uses C# language version 8.0 features.


  • .NET Standard 2.0
  • .NET Framework 4.7

Install via NuGet

If you prefer, you can install it via NuGet:

$ dotnet add package CSharpx --version 2.8.0-rc.2


  • In develop branch source code may be different also from latest preview.
  • The letest version on NuGet is 2.8.0-rc.2.
  • The latest stable version on NuGet is 2.7.3.


  • Encapsulates an optional value that can contain a value or being empty.
  • C# native implementation of F# 'T option / Haskell data Maybe a = Just a | Nothing type.
var greet = true;
var value = greet ? "world".ToMaybe() : Maybe.Nothing<string>();
    who => Console.WriteLine($"hello {who}!"),
    () => Environment.Exit(1));
  • Supports LINQ syntax:
var result1 = Maybe.Just(30);
var result2 = Maybe.Just(10);
var result3 = Maybe.Just(2);

var sum = from r1 in result1
          from r2 in result2
          where r1 > 0
          select r1 - r2 into temp
          from r3 in result3
          select temp * r3;

var value = sum.FromJust(); // outcome: 40
  • See RailwaySharp for a complete railway-oriented programming library.


  • Represents a value that can contain either a value or an error.
  • C# native implementation of Haskell data Either a b = Left a | Right b type.
  • Similar also to F# Choice<'T, 'U>.
  • Like in Haskell the convention is to let Right case hold the value and Left keep track of error or similar data.
  • If you want a more complete implementation of this kind of types, please check my C# port of Chessie, named RailwaySharp.


  • Represents a value that can be a success or a failure in form a type that can contains a custom error message and optionally an exception.
Result ValidateArtifact(Artifact artifact)
    try {
        artifact = ArtifactManager.Load(artifact.Path);
    catch (IOException e) {
        return Result.Failure($"Unable to load artifcat {path}:\n{e.Message}", exception: e);
    return artifact.CheckIntegrity() switch {
        Integrity.Healthy => Result.Success(),
        _                 => Result.Failure("Artifact integrity is compromised")

if (ValidateArtifact(artifact).MatchFailure(out Error error)) {
    _logger.LogError(error.Exception.FromJust(), error.Message);
// do something useful with artifact


  • Convenient extension methods to consume FSharpResult<T, TError> in simple and functional way from C#.
// pattern match like
var result = Query.GetStockQuote("ORCL");
    quote => Console.WriteLine($"Price: {quote.Price}"),
    error => Console.WriteLine($"Trouble: {error}"));
// mapping
var result = Query.GetIndex(".DJI");
    quote => CurrencyConverter.Change(quote.Price, "$", "€"));
  • Blog post about it.


  • General purpose string manipulation extensions.
    "I want to change a word".ApplyAt(4, word => word.Mangle()));
// outcome like: 'I want to change &a word'

    "\t[hello\world@\t".Sanitize(normalizeWhiteSpace: true));
// outcome: ' hello world '


  • Most useful extension methods from MoreLINQ.
  • Some of these reimplemnted (e.g. Choose using Maybe):
  • LINQ ...OrDefault implemented with Maybe type as return value.
var numbers = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};
var evens = numbers.Choose(x => x % 2 == 0
                                ? Maybe.Just(x)
                                : Maybe.Nothing<int>());
// outcome: {0, 2, 4, 6, 8}
  • With other useful methods too:
var sequence = new int[] {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}.Intersperse(5);
// outcome: {0, 5, 1, 5, 2, 5, 3, 5, 4}
var element = sequence.Choice();
// will choose a random element
var sequence = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }.ChunkBySize(3);
// outcome: { [0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5], [6, 7, 8], [9, 10] }
var maybeFirst = new int[] {0, 1, 2}.FirstOrNothing(x => x == 1)
// outcome: Just(1)
  • Tests cover only new and modified extension methods.


  • Unit is similar to void but, since it's a real type. void is not, in fact you can't declare a variable of that type. Unit allows the use functions without a result in a computation (functional style). It's essentially F# unit and Haskell Unit.
// prints each word and returns 0 to the shell
static int Main(string[] args)
    var sentence = "this is a sentence";
    return (from _ in
            from word in sentence.Split()
            select Unit.Do(() => Console.WriteLine(word))
            select 0).Distinct().Single();

Latest Changes

  • Maybe<T> type implemented as a struct.
  • Either<TLeft, TRight> type implemented as a struct.
  • Code refactored for C# 8.0.
  • Implemented IEquatable<T> for Maybe<T> type.
  • No public methods return void but Unit type.

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Sharp icon designed by Alex Burte from The Noun Project