
The coolest way to whip out NuGet releases from GitHub and AppVeyor

nuget, AppVeyor
Install-Package CoolWhip -Version 1.0.3


CoolWhip Build status NuGet version

The coolest way to whip out NuGet releases from GitHub and AppVeyor.

CoolWhip creates a default AppVeyor configuration.

Continuous Integration

On check in AppVeyor will build your project and run tests.

Continuous Deployment

When a GitHub release or git tag is created

  1. Your project is built
  2. Your tests are run
  3. All NuGet packages are packaged and
    1. Attached to the release in GitHub
    2. Pushed to NuGet
    3. Pushed to Symbol Source

Quick Start

  1. Install CoolWhip PM> Install-Package CoolWhip
  2. Encrypt GitHub & Nuget key in App Veyor
  3. Update the appveyor.yaml with the keys from above
  4. Save/commit changes
  5. Link AppVeyor to your repo

Detailed instructions

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