CrmAdo is an ADO.Net data provider for Dynamics Crm. It's goal is to make it easy for you to perform CRUD operations against Dynamics Crm. It exposes Dynamics to you as an ordinary ADO.Net data source that you can execute SQL commands against. It allows you to use the familiar ADO.Net classes to connect to, and perform your queries against Dynamics CRM. Architecturally, CrmAdo sits on top of the Dynamics SDK, and handles all the conversion between your SQL commands into the appropriate IOrganisation web service calls and interactions behind the scenes.

Provider, ADO, Crm, DynamicsCrm, Dynamics, T-SQL, SQL, Data, ADO.Net
Install-Package CrmAdo -Version 1.3.5


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What is CrmAdo?

CrmAdo is an ADO.NET data provider for Dynamics Crm.

It allows you to use standard ADO.NET code to interact with a Dynamics CRM 2011 / 2013 / 2015. This is often a million times quicker and easier than using the Dynamics CRM SDK directly. To Get Started see: here or you can also check the wiki

Available on NuGet

You may also be interested in the companion Visual Studio Extension available here