
Dot NET Core REST API simple client.

rest, http, client, gzip, web, service, restapi, restweb, dotnet, http-client, ihttpclientfactory, rest-api
Install-Package DotNet.RestApi.Client -Version 3.1.0


Dot Net Core Rest Web Api Client

The convenient Web Rest Api Client for the Rest Web Service at the Docker Container.

Version 3.1.0

  • Add support of .Net Core 3.1
  • Add support of .Net Standard 2.1

Version 3.0.0

  • Add support of .Net Core 3.0
  • Add support of .Net Standard 2.1

Version 2.4.0

  • Add support of IHttpClientFactory
  • Add support of IHttpClientFactory

Nuget Package:

Development Supported by JetBrains Open Source Program:

Rider Fast & powerful, cross platform .NET IDE

ReSharper The Visual Studio Extension for .NET Developers

Example of using with IHttpClientFactory ASP.NET Core

Add to the configuration initialization:

.ConfigureServices((webHostBuilderContext, services) =>
Using "Polly"
.ConfigureServices((webHostBuilderContext, services) =>
        services.AddHttpClient<RestApiClient>().AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(p => p.RetryAsync(3));

For more details of using Polly use link below:

In the controller:

    private RestApiClient _restApiClient;

    /// <summary>
    /// Constructs the class.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="configuration">The capture processor configuration.</param>
    /// <param name="logFactory">The logger factory.</param>
    public MarketCaptureController(RestApiClient restApiClient,
        MarketCaptureProcessorServiceConfiguration configuration,
        ILoggerFactory logFactory)
        _restApiClient = restApiClient;
        restApiClient.ConfigureHttpRequstMessage = RestApiClientExtensions.ApplyAcceptEncodingSettingGZip;

        Configuration = configuration;
        _logFactory = logFactory;
        _logInfo = _logFactory?.CreateLogger(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Name);


    private void GetBitCoinRate(object state)

            Uri baseUri = new Uri(Configuration.BitCoinRequestUrl);
            baseUri = new Uri("");
            var response = _restApiClient.SendJsonRequest(HttpMethod.Get, baseUri, null).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var bitcoin = response.DeseriaseJsonResponseAsync<TickerBitcoin[]>().GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            LastMarketTop = bitcoin[0];
            LogMessageResources.TraceBitCoinPrice(_logInfo, bitcoin[0].LastUpdatedUTC, bitcoin[0].price_eur, null);
        catch (Exception e)
            LogMessageResources.OperationException(_logInfo, nameof(MarketCaptureProcessor), e);

Example how to call with JSON:

Uri baseUri = new Uri("http://webServiceHost:15002");
RestApiClient client = new RestApiClient(baseUri);

PurchaseOrder sendObj = new PurchaseOrder();

HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendJsonRequest(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri("res", UriKind.Relative), sendObj).Result;

PurchaseOrder respObj = response.DeseriaseJsonResponse<PurchaseOrder>();

Example how to call with XML:

Uri baseUri = new Uri("http://webServiceHost:15002");
RestApiClient client = new RestApiClient(baseUri, request =>
      request.Headers.Add("CustomHeader", "CustomHeaderValue");

PurchaseOrder sendObj = new PurchaseOrder();

Uri relUri = new Uri(RequestPathAttribute.GetRestApiPath(sendObj), UriKind.Relative);
HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendJsonRequest(HttpMethod.Post, relUri, sendObj).Result;

PurchaseOrder respObj = response.DeseriaseXmlResponse<PurchaseOrder>();

Example how to call with using gzip:

Uri baseUri = new Uri("http://webServiceHost:15002");
RestApiClient client = new RestApiClient(baseUri, request =>
      request.Headers.Add("CustomHeader", "CustomHeaderValue");

PurchaseOrder sendObj = new PurchaseOrder();

HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendXmlRequest(HttpMethod.Post, new Uri("res", UriKind.Relative), sendObj).Result;

PurchaseOrder respObj = response.DeseriaseXmlResponse<PurchaseOrder>();

Where Web Service should have:

 public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
 public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app)

Example how to call with Data Contract XML:

Uri baseUri = new Uri("http://webServiceHost:15002");
RestApiClient client = new RestApiClient(baseUri);

PurchaseOrder sendObj = new PurchaseOrder();
Uri relUri = new Uri(RequestPathAttribute.GetRestApiPath(sendObj), UriKind.Relative);
HttpResponseMessage response = client.SendJsonRequest(HttpMethod.Post, relUri, sendObj).Result;

PurchaseOrder respObj = response.DeseriaseDcXmlResponse<PurchaseOrder>();

Where the Models:

   [DataContract (Namespace ="")]
   public class PurchaseOrder
        public PurchaseOrder()
            billTo = new Address() { street = "Bill to Address" };
            shipTo = new Address() { street = "Ship to  Address" };
        public Address billTo;
        public Address shipTo;

    [DataContract(Namespace = "")]
    public class Address
        public string street;