
An abp application module that allows users to upload and manage their own files based on the ABP BLOB storing.

abp, blob, directory, easyabp, file, files, module, storing, upload
Install-Package EasyAbp.FileManagement.Application.Contracts -Version 5.2.0-preview.4



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An abp.io application module that allows users to upload and maintain files.


  1. Install the following NuGet packages. (see how)

    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.Application
    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.Application.Contracts
    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.Domain
    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.Domain.Shared
    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.EntityFrameworkCore
    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.HttpApi
    • EasyAbp.FileManagement.HttpApi.Client
    • (Optional) EasyAbp.FileManagement.MongoDB
    • (Optional) EasyAbp.FileManagement.Web
  2. Add DependsOn(typeof(FileManagementXxxModule)) attribute to configure the module dependencies. (see how)

  3. Add builder.ConfigureFileManagement(); to the OnModelCreating() method in MyProjectMigrationsDbContext.cs.

  4. Add EF Core migrations and update your database. See: ABP document.


  1. Add permissions to the roles you want.

  2. Configure a BLOB container. (see sample and doc)

  3. Configure a file container. (see sample)

  4. Create a custom FileOperationAuthorizationHandler. (see sample)

  5. Create a file manager page. (see sample)

  6. Add a menu item for the file manager page. (see sample)

Files Upload

Road map

  • Multi container.
  • Multi file upload.
  • Upload constraints.
  • User-space isolation.
  • Reuse existing BLOB resources.
  • Directory occupancy statistics.
  • Auto deleting unused BLOB resources.
  • Auto rename files with duplicate names.
  • Container space quota control.
  • Customized upload way.
  • Complex file search.
  • Unit tests.