
Roslyn analyzer for enforcing null contracts

contracts, diagnostic, analyzer, null, Roslyn
Install-Package FUR10N.NullContracts -Version 1.3.4



This is a Roslyn analyzer for enforcing that [NotNull] entities are always assigned.


  1. Nuget Package: FUR10N.NullContracts
  2. Define the classes below in your project.
  3. Start applying the NotNull attribute to field/properties/methods in your project.

Supported attributes and classes (these need to be defined in your project)

// Supported on readonly fields, readonly properties, computed properties, method parameters, and methods
public class NotNullAttribute : Attribute

// Sort of a legacy attribute. Only supported on method parameters
public class CheckNullAttribute : Attribute

// This lets you override the analyzer if you know something is not null, but the analyzer thinks it is null.
// Usage: Place a call to Constraint.NotNull with the member that the analyzer thinks is null.
public class Constraint
    public static T NotNull<T>(Expression<Func<T>> expression) where T : class
        var result = expression.Compile()();
        if (result == null)
            throw new Exception();
        return result;

    public static T NotNull<T>(T value, string valueName) where T : class
        if (value == null)
            throw new Exception();
        return value;


  • NC0000 - Parser failed. The analyzer couldn't parse some C# syntax.
  • NC1001 - [NotNull] is only supported on some members and reference types
  • NC1002 - A member that was overridden requries the [NotNull] attribute
  • NC1003 - Constraints can only be applied to locals or fields/properties
  • NC1004 - Cannot modify a field that has a constraint on it
  • NC1005 - A member that was checked for null was reassigned after the check
  • NC2001 - You checked for null against a member marked with [NotNull]
  • NC2002 - There was a constraint on a member that is already checked for null
  • NC3001 - Tried to assign a null (or unchecked value) to a [NotNull] member
  • NC3002 - A [NotNull] field/property was not initalized during construction
  • NC3003 - A chained constructor expects a [NotNull] argument
  • NC3004 - Tried to return a value that might be null in a [NotNull] method
  • NC3005 - Used a [NotNull] local as a ref parameter


public class Item
    [NotNull] public string Id { get; }
    public Item() // NC3002 - A [NotNull] field/property was not initalized during construction
public class Item
    [NotNull] public string Id { get; }

    public Item([NotNull] string id)
        this.Id = id; // Ok
public class Item
    [NotNull] public string Id { get; }

    public Item(string id)
        this.Id = id; // NC3001 - Tried to assign a null (or unchecked value) to a [NotNull] member
public class Item
    [NotNull] public string Id { get; }

    public Item(string id)
        Constraint.NotNull(() => id);
        this.Id = id; // Ok
public class Item
    [NotNull] public string Id { get; }

    public Item(string id)
        if (id == null)
        this.Id = id; // Ok
public class Item
    [NotNull] public string Id { get; }

    public Item(string id)
        this.Id = GetId(); // Ok
    public static string GetId()
        return "id";

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