
Protocol Buffers is a binary serialization format and technology, released to the open source community by Google in 2008. Its primary use is to produce small fast binary representations of a 'message' or object for serialization or transportation. There are various implementations of Protocol Buffers in .NET. This project is a fairly close port of the Google Java implementation. There are two main parts: tools/protoc.exe, which takes the textual representation of the protocol buffer and turns it into a binary representation for use with ProtoGen.exe. tools/ProtoGen.exe, which takes binary representations of protocol buffer descriptors (as generated by the "stock" protoc binary supplied by Google) and creates C# source code. This is only required at build time. lib/*/Google.ProtocolBuffers.dll, which is a supporting library. This is required at execution time. lib/*/Google.ProtocolBuffers.Serialization.dll, a supplementary library that provides extensions for reading and writing protocol buffers to xml, json, and others. LINKS: Project Home - Online Help - Developer Guide - Language Guide -

Binary, Buffers, Format, Google, Protocol, Serialization
Install-Package Google.ProtocolBuffers -Version