Simple, lightweight, convention based web framework built on Web Api.

api, rest, web
Install-Package GraphiteWeb -Version 1.0.75



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...taking the friction out of Web Api.

Graphite is a simple, lightweight, convention based web framework built on Web Api. It is heavily inspired by the brilliant web framework FubuMVC.

Getting Started

Getting started guide and documentation can be found here.


Graphite can be found on nuget. Install the package for your host:

PM> Install-Package GraphiteWeb.AspNet
PM> Install-Package GraphiteWeb.Owin

Install the IoC container:

PM> Install-Package GraphiteWeb.StructureMap


  • Can run side-by-side with existing Web Api controllers.
  • IoC is baked in from the ground up.
  • Heavy emphasis on testability.
  • Heavy emphasis on flexibility and configurability. IoW maximizing extensibility and minimizing opinions so you can build your API how you want to.
  • Lightweight and simple, out of the box functionality is purposely kept to a minimum.
  • POCO's, no inheritance.
  • Conventional routing and urls out of the box.
  • Conventionally override almost any part of the framework.
  • Supports the handler approach (i.e. a single class with one action).
  • Supports action sources which allow you to generate routes.
  • Supports behavior chains (AKA the Russian Doll Model).
  • Diagnostics out of the box.
  • Supports multiple querystring and form values with the same name.
  • Supports wildcard url parameters.
  • Currently supports only StructureMap out of the box but any IoC container can be plugged in.
  • Currently supports Json.NET, Bender and the FCL XML serializer but you can plug in any serializer.


Thanks to FubuMVC for the inspiration.

Thanks to JetBrains for providing OSS licenses!