
Package Description

7zip, compression, csharp, curl, image-processing, ini, ini-parser, netstandard, networking, rar, utility, webp, winforms
Install-Package Gsemac.Net.WebDrivers -Version 0.3.0



This repository contains a wide range of .NET utilities for use across my projects designed to be compatible with .NET Framework 4.0 and later.

Individual NuGet packages are available for each project.

NuGet NuGet

  • Various dictionary implementations such as LruDictionary, MultiDictionary, and OrderedDictionary
  • Implementations for circular buffers, trees, and generic name-value collections

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for working with RGB, LAB, and XYZ colors
  • Facilities for loading and converting between various image formats
  • Facilities for optimizing various image formats
  • Handles WEBP with the Gsemac.Drawing.Imaging.WebP plugin
  • Handles AVIF, JXL, and more with the Gsemac.Drawing.Imaging.ImageMagick plugin

NuGet NuGet

  • Various utilities for working with controls
  • Progess bars for DataGridView

NuGet NuGet

  • Extensible facilities for detecting file formats from streams and other sources
  • Facilities for parsing information from paths and URLs
  • Various stream implementations such as ConcatStream, ConcurrentMemoryStream, ProcessStream, and ProducerConsumerStream

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for creating and modifying various archive formats such as ZIP, RAR, and 7Z

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for logging to console and files

NuGet NuGet

  • Delegating handlers for HttpWebRequest
  • Various interfaces such as IWebRequest, IHttpWebRequest, and IWebClient
  • Various factory classes such as HttpWebRequestFactory and WebClientFactory

NuGet NuGet

  • Allows HttpWebRequest to handle requests through libcurl

NuGet NuGet

  • Various facilities for reading and iterating over repository and release information

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for detecting installed web browsers
  • Facilities for reading and decrypting cookies from browsers such as Chrome and Firefox

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for instantiating and pooling web driver instances
  • Utilities for screenshotting webpages and individual elements
  • Integrates stealth features from puppeteer-extra

NuGet NuGet

  • Implementations of Task-related methods for .NET Framework 4.0
  • Implementation of Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection for .NET Framework 4.0

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for resolving and loading assemblies
  • Facilities for mapping strings to object properties
  • Facilities for parsing strings to objects and enums

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for converting between various text and data encodings

NuGet NuGet

  • Facilities for loading and modifying INI documents

NuGet NuGet

  • Utilities for calling functions from Win32 DLLs