
Portable .NET library for generating and consuming JSON Feed (jsonfeed.org) compliant feeds.

jsonfeed, jsonfeed.net, jsonfeed.org
Install-Package JsonFeed.NET -Version 1.1.0


JsonFeed.NET v1.1.0

JsonFeed.NET is a portable .NET library for generating and consuming JSON Feed compliant site feeds.

NuGet Pre Release Twitter Follow

Supported platforms

  • .NET Framework 4.5.1+
  • .NET Core 1.1+
  • Mono
  • UWP
  • Xamarin.iOS
  • Xamarin.Android

How To Install

Install-Package JsonFeed.NET

Sample Usage

Parsing a JsonFeed from a string

JsonFeed jsonFeed = JsonFeed.Parse(jsonFeedString);

Parsing a JsonFeed from a Url

JsonFeed jsonFeed = await JsonFeed.ParseFromUriAsync(new Uri("https://jsonfeed.org/feed.json"));

Parsing a JsonFeed from a Url using a custom HttpMessageHandler

JsonFeed jsonFeed = await JsonFeed.ParseFromUriAsync(new Uri("https://jsonfeed.org/feed.json"), new HttpClientHandler());

Creating a new JsonFeed and writing it to a string

var jsonFeed = new JsonFeed
    Title = "Dan Rigby",
    Description = "Mobile App Development & More.",
    HomePageUrl = @"https://danrigby.com",
    FeedUrl = @"https://danrigby.com/feed.json",
    Authors = new[] {
        new JsonFeedAuthor
            Name = "Dan Rigby",
            Url = @"https://twitter.com/DanRigby",
    Items = new List<JsonFeedItem>
        new JsonFeedItem
            Id = @"https://danrigby.com/2015/09/12/inotifypropertychanged-the-net-4-6-way/",
            Url = @"https://danrigby.com/2015/09/12/inotifypropertychanged-the-net-4-6-way/",
            Title = "INotifyPropertyChanged, The .NET 4.6 Way",
            ContentText = @"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.",
            DatePublished = new DateTime(2015, 09, 12)

string jsonFeedString = jsonFeed.Write();

Writing a JsonFeed to a stream

JsonFeed jsonFeed = JsonFeed.Parse(inputJsonFeed);


Copyright (c) 2022 Dan Rigby

Licensed under the MIT license.