
Xamarin.Android Binding for Anton Popoff's ChipTextView, an Android library that provides a view that draws text within a rounded colored rectangle as a background.

android, android-library, androidx, jetpack, badge, badge-view, chip-text-view, chiptextview, chipview, droid, material-design, textview, xamarin, xamarin-android, xamarin.android
Install-Package Karamunting.Android.AntonPopoff.ChipTextView.AndroidX -Version 1.0.15



ChipTextView is a simple lightweight Android library purely written in Kotlin. The library provides a view that draws text within a rounded colored rectangle as a background.

Minimal Android version - 15.


To add this library to your project simply add the following line into your app level build.gradle file:

implementation 'com.apandroid:chiptextview:1.0.15'

Or if you want to use some app-compat features (custom fonts) add the following line:

implementation 'com.apandroid:chiptextviewappcompat:1.0.15'
// or if you are using androidx
implementation 'com.apandroid:chiptextviewandroidx:1.0.15'

For most Android projects this will be enough but if you have any problems just make sure that you have the jcenter() function called inside your repositories closure in your root build.gradle file.

Getting Started

To start using this library just add ChipTextView (AppCompatChipTextView, AndroidXChipTextView) class to your xml layout file.

    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

<!-- If you want to use app-compat version of the library -->
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

<!-- If you want to use androidx version of the library -->
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />


You can use the following properties to customize the look of your ChipTextView:

Style Properties

  • ctv_text - Text that will be drawn
  • ctv_textSize - Text size
  • ctv_textColor - Text color
  • ctv_chipColor - Chip background color
  • ctv_font - Custom font. Available only for API ≥ 26
  • ctv_fontCompat - Custom font. Available in the app-compat version of the library via AppCompatChipTextView or AndroidXChipTextView
  • ctv_chipStrokeColor - Color of a stroke that will be drawn around a chip
  • ctv_chipStrokeWidth - Width of a stroke that will be drawn around a chip
  • ctv_chipBackgroundDrawable - Custom drawable which can be used as an additional background along with a simple color background.

Paddings Properties

The following properties are used to control paddings of rounded rectangle within which text is drawn.

  • ctv_chipPadding
  • ctv_chipPaddingVertical
  • ctv_chipPaddingHorizontal
  • ctv_chipPaddingStart
  • ctv_chipPaddingEnd
  • ctv_chipPaddingBottom
  • ctv_chipPaddingTop


Feel free to use the android:elevation property because the library comes along with implementation of OutlineProvider.

Styles and Themes

Also you can use the chipTextViewStyle theme attribute to customize a look of all of your ChipTextView in a particular theme. For example:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar">
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
    <item name="chipTextViewStyle">@style/DefaultChipTextView</item>

<style name="DefaultChipTextView" parent="ChipTextViewDefaultStyle">
    <item name="ctv_textSize">72sp</item>

Default ChipTextViewStyle comes along with library.

<style name="ChipTextViewDefaultStyle">
    <item name="ctv_chipPadding">10dp</item>
    <item name="ctv_text">Chip Text</item>
    <item name="ctv_textSize">14sp</item>
    <item name="ctv_textColor">@android:color/white</item>
    <item name="ctv_chipColor">@android:color/black</item>
    <item name="ctv_chipStrokeColor">@android:color/transparent</item>
    <item name="ctv_chipStrokeWidth">4dp</item>

Helper functions and properties

  • paintFlags - Allows manually set text paint flags.
  • strikeThroughText()/hideStrikeThroughText() - Shows/hides a strike through a chip text.
  • underlineText()/hideTextUnderline() - Shows/hides a chip text underline.


Anton Popov - initial work.

Feel free to report issues and make pull requests.
