Do not install directly. Supporting classes for Komodo. Please either install Komodo.Daemon to integrate search within your application, or Komodo.Server to run a standalone server. Komodo is an information search, metadata, storage, and retrieval platform.

komodo, information, search, storage, retrieval, rest, restful, api, blob, object, crawl, index, json, html, sql, text, xml, data, management, metadata, database, elastic, http, http-server, https, https-server, information-storage, inverted-index, nuget, query, solr
Install-Package Komodo.Classes -Version


alt tag

Package Description Version Downloads Komodo Dependencies
Komodo.Core Core classes NuGet Version NuGet none
Komodo.Sdk C# client SDK NuGet Version NuGet none
Komodo.Server Standalone API server NuGet Version NuGet Komodo.Core

Komodo Search

Information storage, search, metadata, and retrieval platform. Komodo was written in C# and includes a host of libraries for data management, data storage, search, and information retrieval, including a standalone RESTful API server and in-process daemon that you can include within your own application.

Help, Feedback, Contribute

If you have any issues or feedback, please file an issue here in Github. We'd love to have you help by contributing code for new features, optimization to the existing codebase, ideas for future releases, or fixes!

New in v3.1.0

  • Dependency updates
  • Added dependency to parquet-dotnet (MIT-licensed)
  • Added sample Parquet and other files to two projects
  • Minor code, comment, and documentation cleanup
  • Added Parquet support to document parser

API Documentation

Please refer to the Komodo POSTman collection in the root directory.

Starting the Server

cd [project directory]
dotnet build -f net5.0
dotnet publish -f net5.0
cd bin\release\net5.0\publish
dotnet Komodo.Server.dll

Deploying Komodo.Server with Docker

Refer to for details.


Komodo is licensed under the MIT license. However, there are other packages used by Komodo that are licensed under different licenses, and you should be aware of such licenses if you embed Komodo into your application.

Package Dependencies under MIT License

No source code from the aforementioned dependencies is included in Komodo.

Package Dependencies under Apache License 2.0 and MS-PL

No source code from the aforementioned dependencies is included in Komodo.

Version History

Please refer to for details.