
iTunes Podcast Finder is a .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to search for podcasts through the iTunes API and get episodes of podcasts from the RSS feed.

Wrapper, iTunes, RSS, Feed, Parser, Podcast, dotnet-standard, netstandard, parse
Install-Package Luandersonn.iTunesPodcastFinder -Version 2.2.2


iTunes Podcast Finder

iTunes logo

iTunes Podcast Finder is a .NET Standard 2.0 library that allows you to search for podcasts through the iTunes API and get episodes of podcasts from the RSS feed. Get the Nuget package.

PM> Install-Package Luandersonn.iTunesPodcastFinder



PodcastFinder finder = new PodcastFinder();


// Default: retrieve 100 items using the US search
IEnumerable<Podcast> results = await finder.SearchPodcastsAsync("Games");
foreach (Podcast podcast in results)
    Debug.WriteLine($"Name = {podcast.Name}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Editor = {podcast.Editor}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Genre = {podcast.Genre}");

Optimized search for another country

int maxItems = 30; // Min:1 - max:200
string country = "br" // Two-letter country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2)

// Results optimized for Brazil
IEnumerable<Podcast> results = await finder.SearchPodcastsAsync("Games", maxItems, country);
foreach (Podcast podcast in results)
    Debug.WriteLine($"Name = {podcast.Name}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Editor = {podcast.Editor}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Genre = {podcast.Genre}");

Get top podcasts

// Get the 100 most popular podcasts from the US in Games & Hobbies category
IEnumerable<Podcast> results = await finder.GetTopPodcastsAsync(PodcastGenre.GamesAndHobbies);
foreach (Podcast podcast in results)
    Debug.WriteLine($"Name = {podcast.Name}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Editor = {podcast.Editor}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Genre = {podcast.Genre}");

❗️ WARNING: In this method, the resolution of the art images of the podcasts is 170x170 and the feedUrl is null, this is a behavior of the iTunes API!. To get better resolution images and feedUrl, use the GetPodcastAsync method with the iTunes ID

Get a podcast by iTunes ID

string iTunesID = "1200361736"; // ID from 'The Daily' Podcast

Podcast podcast = await finder.GetPodcastAsync(iTunesID);

Debug.WriteLine($"Name = {podcast.Name}");      // The Daily
Debug.WriteLine($"Editor = {podcast.Editor}");	// The New York Times
Debug.WriteLine($"Genre = {podcast.Genre}");    // News & Politics

You can get the iTunes ID with the pocast link from iTunes using the static method PodcastFinder.GetItunesID(iTunesLink) Podcast class now has iTunesId property.

IEnumerable<Podcast> brazilTopPodcasts = await finder.GetTopPodcastsAsync(PodcastGenre.All, 50, "br");
Podcast mostPopularPodcast = brazilTopPodcasts.First();

Podcast podcast = await finder.GetPodcastAsync(mostPopularPodcast.ItunesId);

Debug.WriteLine($"Name = {podcast.Name}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Editor = {podcast.Editor}");
Debug.WriteLine($"Genre = {podcast.Genre}");	

Get podcasts and episodes by RSS feed link

If you have a RSS feed URL of a podcast and want to get the episodes...

string feedUrl = "";
PodcastRequestResult result = await finder.GetPodcastEpisodesAsync(feedUrl);

Debug.WriteLine($"Podcast name = {result.Podcast.Name}");
foreach (PodcastEpisode episode in result.Episodes)
    Debug.WriteLine($"Episode number = {episode.EpisodeNumber}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Title = {episode.Title}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Summary = {episode.Summary}");
    Debug.WriteLine($"Published Date = {episode.PublishedDate}");
    // In some cases, the duration is not reported by the RSS feed.
    // In these scenarios, the 'Duration' value is "00:00:00"
    Debug.WriteLine($"Duration = {episode.Duration}");


Newtonsoft.Json 12.0.2