
Library that allows you control Magic Home enabled lights connected to the same LAN.

Magic, Home, smart, lights, light, bulb, discover-bulbs, lan, light-controller, magic-home, smart-bulb, smart-home, smart-lights
Install-Package MagicHome -Version 1.4.0


Magic Home NuGet DDL

.NET Library that allows you control Magic Home enabled lights connected to the same LAN. With this, you can control your bulbs that work with the Magic Home App.

Remember to to be connected to the same network as the bulb and be able to send packets from the device.


  • Discover bulbs on LAN
  • Turn On/Off
  • Turn Color and White
  • Turn Patterns
  • Use time
  • Groups for easy access to multiple bulbs
  • Logger

Missing Features:

  • Music / Microphone
  • Using in-built-timers
  • administration to set WiFi SSiD key


NuGet / DDL



Light myLight = new Light("LANAdress");

This will create the light, connect it and extract all the data from it (color, protocol, etc).


Light myLight = Light.Discover()[0];

This will discover all lights on the LAN, and assign the first one to myLight.



Sets the light on and off.

myLight.SetColor(255, 0, 0); // color in bytes as R G B
myLight.SetColor("#ff0000"); // color in hex
myLight.SetColor(new RGB(255, 0, 0)); // color as RGB class

Different ways to change the color

myLight.SetPresetPattern(PresetPattern.PatternHere, 100)

Sets a preset pattern from the enum. Speed (second param) goes from 1 to 100.

myLight.SetCustomPattern(RGBArray, TransitionType.Gradual, 100)

Sets a custom pattern from a RGB Array, a transition and speed.


Sets the brightness (UNSTABLE!)

Using RGB class

RGB myColor = new RGB(color bytes or hex);
RGB[] myColors = new RGB[3]; // create an array of colors so we can use SetCustomPattern();
myColors[0].Set(255, 0, 0);
myColors[1].Set(0, 255, 0);
myColors[2].Set(0, 0, 255);

SetCustomPattern(myColors, TransitionType.Strobe, 100);


LightGroup myGroup = new LightGroup(Light.Discovery());

Create a group of lights and assign all bulbs discovered on your LAN. You can control all your lights simultaneously by simply calling myGroup.MethodHere();

Set Time and Get Time

SetTime(DateTime dt); // sets the time of the device to dt
GetTime(); // gets the time of the device


Protocol, Color, Brightness, Time, IsOn, Mode, Logger, Socket. Use property Stats as a string containing all data. Use property DiscoveredAdresses to get all discovered IPs if you used Light.Discover();


All logs are automatically saved in the assembly folder. To change that, or disable the logger:

myLight.Logger.LogPath = "X:\\pathhere\\";
myLight.Logger = new LightLogger(myLight, "path");

myLight.Logger.Enabled = false; //or true to enable/disable