
Managed Hook allows you to hook any methods with a handler that is called when the hooked method is called.

Hook, Detour
Install-Package ManagedHook -Version 1.1.1


Build Status NuGet


Managed Hook allows you to hook any methods with a handler that is called before and after the hooked method is called.
Tested with X64 architecture with non-inlined methods.
(careful with optimized code with inlined methods, the pattern was not intended to be used in that case)

How to use:

1- Create a class that implements the interface IHookerHandler:

public class MyHookHandler : IHookHandler
    public void Before(object instanceHooked, object[] parameters)
        // do whatever you want here
    public void After(object instanceHooked, object[] parameters)
        // do whatever you want here

2- Get the methodInfo for the method to be hooked:

MethodInfo methodHooked = typeof(Foo).GetMethod("MethodHooked");

3- Hook the method!

HookManager.Instance.HookFunction(methodHooked, new MyHookHandler());

Or hook the method with lamdas (before call and after call)

HookManager.Instance.HookFunction(methodHooked, (t) => { ... }, (t) => { ... });

4 - (opt) When finished, you can unhook the method:


How does it work internally

HookManager.Instance.HookFunction(methodHooked, new MyHookHandler());
  1. It gets the address of the original provided function.
  2. It creates a dynamic assembly with two methods (one for instance and one for static method)
    that will be used to be called instead of the original function.
    The dynamic methods are created with the exact same signature as the orignal.
  3. It will update the assembly code of the original function to point to one of the generated dynamic methods
    (the first 16 bytes will be modified)
    • mov rbx, functionPointer (keep a copy of the original function pointer in register RBX)
    • jmp dynamicMethod (do a relative jump to the dynamic method)

That's it!
When the original method is called, it will automatically be forwarded to the created dynamic method.
Inside the generated method, it calls the handler that the client created.
The HookManager keeps all the hooks with the function pointer as the key.
(that's why we used the RBX register to know in which original function it was called)