Package Description

Install-Package Mojio.Platform.SDK -Version 1.3.0


C# SDK for Mojio Platform version 2

Nuget Package

Install-Package Mojio.Platform.SDK.SimpleClient

Current Build Status (master):

Build Status

Total: 95

Completed: 72

Percent Complted: 80%

OAuth 2.0 - RFC


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
OAuth Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant POST Link COMPLETE
OAuth Authorization Code Grant POST Link COMPLETE
OAuth Refresh Token POST Link COMPLETE

API - Swagger


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Apps Delete an existing application. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Apps Gets an individual application's details. GET Link COMPLETE
Apps Update an existing application. Currently only Name, Description, and RedirectUris are editable. PUT Link COMPLETE
Apps Get all apps accessible to the current user. This will include applications the user owns and has purchased. GET Link COMPLETE
Apps Create a new application. The current user will be made an administrator of the application. POST Link COMPLETE
Apps Revoke application's secret key. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Apps Gets an individual application's secret key. GET Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Geofences Delete an existing geofence. DELETE Link NOT STARTED
Geofences Gets an individual geofence's details. GET Link NOT STARTED
Geofences Update an existing geofence. Currently only Name, Description, and Enabled are editable. PUT Link NOT STARTED
Geofences Get all geofences accessible to the current user. GET Link NOT STARTED
Geofences Create a new geofence POST Link NOT STARTED


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Groups Delete an existing group. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Groups Gets an individual group's details. GET Link COMPLETE
Groups Update an existing group. PUT Link COMPLETE
Groups Get all groups accessible to the current user. GET Link COMPLETE
Groups Create a new group. The current user will be made an administrator of the group. POST Link COMPLETE
Groups Delete a user from a group. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Groups Get a group's users. GET Link COMPLETE
Groups Update a group to include a collection of users. POST Link COMPLETE
Groups Update a group to include a user. PUT Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
History Get the history of a trip. GET Link COMPLETE
History Get the history of a trip. GET Link COMPLETE
History Get the history of a vehicle. GET Link COMPLETE
History Get the past locations of a vehicle. GET Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Images Delete an app's image. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Images Get an app's image. GET Link COMPLETE
Images Create an app's image. POST Link COMPLETE
Images Update an app's image. PUT Link COMPLETE
Images Delete an user's image. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Images Get a user's image. GET Link COMPLETE
Images Create an user's image. POST Link COMPLETE
Images Update an user's image. PUT Link COMPLETE
Images Delete a vehicle's image. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Images Get a vehicle's image. GET Link COMPLETE
Images Create a vehicle's image. POST Link COMPLETE
Images Update a vehicle's image. PUT Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Mojios Delete an existing mojio. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Mojios GET Gets an individual mojio's details. Link COMPLETE
Mojios PUT Update an existing Mojio. Currently only Name is editable. Link COMPLETE
Mojios GET Get all mojios accessible to the current user. Link COMPLETE
Mojios POST Claim a mojio. The current user will claim the mojio and be granted owner access. If permissions are supplied it will be a partial claim and the supplied permissions will be granted to either the group or the current user. Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Permissions Gets the access rules for a resource. GET Link NOT STARTED
Permissions Removes a group's access to a resource. DELETE Link NOT STARTED
Permissions Gets the access rules for a resource. GET Link NOT STARTED
Permissions Add an access rule for a resource. Overwrites any existing access rules. POST Link NOT STARTED
Permissions Update or add an access rule for a resource. Combines the new rule with any existing access rules. PUT Link NOT STARTED


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Tag Remove a tag from a resource. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Tag Add a new tag to an app. POST Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Trips Delete an existing trip. DELETE Link COMPLETE
Trips Gets an individual trip's details. GET Link COMPLETE
Trips Update an existing trip. Currently only Name is editable. PUT Link COMPLETE
Trips Get all trips accessible to the current user. GET Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Users Get the current user's details. GET Link COMPLETE
Users Gets an individual user's details. GET Link NOT STARTED
Users Update an existing user. Currently only UserName, Email, First Name, Last Name and Phone Numbers are editable. Note: existing phone numbers will be replaced by the new list. PUT Link NOT STARTED
Users Get all users accessible to the current user. GET Link NOT STARTED
Users Get all vehicles that the user is the owner of. GET Link NOT STARTED
Users Get all mojios that the user is the owner of. GET Link NOT STARTED
Users Get all mojios that the user is the owner of. GET Link NOT STARTED
Users Get all groups that the user is the owner of. GET Link NOT STARTED


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
Vehicles Delete an existing vehicle. DELETE Link NOT STARTED
Vehicles Gets an individual vehicle's details. GET Link NOT STARTED
Vehicles Update an existing vehicle. Currently only Name, License Plate, VIN, and Override Odometer are editable. PUT Link NOT STARTED
Vehicles Get all vehicles accessible to the current user. GET Link COMPLETE
Vehicles Create a new vehicle. POST Link NOT STARTED
Vehicles Get the current address of a vehicle. GET Link NOT STARTED
Vehicles Get all trips accessible to the current user for this vehicle. GET Link COMPLETE
Vehicles Get the vin details about the vehicle. GET Link COMPLETE
Vehicles Get the service schedule for the vehicle. GET Link NOT STARTED
Vehicles Get the next service schedule for the vehicle. GET Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
ActivityStreams Get an entities activity stream. DELETE Link COMPLETE

PUSH - Swagger


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
PUSH - MOJIOS Gets an individual mojio oberver's details. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. POST Link COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Gets an individual mojio oberver's details. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Update an existing observer. PUT Link COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Get all mojio observers accessible to the current user. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. POST Link COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. PUT Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
PUSH - USERS Gets an individual user oberver's details. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. POST Link COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Gets an individual user oberver's details. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Update an existing observer. PUT Link COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Get all user observers accessible to the current user. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. POST Link COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. PUT Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
PUSH - VEHICLES Gets an individual vehicle oberver's details. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - VEHICLES Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. POST Link COMPLETE
PUSH - VEHICLES Gets an individual vehicle oberver's details. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - VEHICLES Update an existing observer. PUT Link COMPLETE
PUSH - VEHICLES Get all vehicle observers accessible to the current user. GET Link COMPLETE
PUSH - VEHICLES Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. POST Link COMPLETE
PUSH - VEHICLES Create a new observer. The current user will be made an administrator of the observer. PUT Link COMPLETE


Group Purpose VERB Action STATUS
PUSH - VEHICLES Establish a websocket connection for all vehicles or a single vehicle. COMPLETE
PUSH - MOJIOS Establish a websocket connection for all mojios or a single mojio. COMPLETE
PUSH - USERS Establish a websocket connection for all users or a single user. NOT STARTED
PUSH - ACTIVITIES Establish a websocket connection for all activities. COMPLETE