
Container that creates mocks for all the dependencies of a class.

ioc, moq, tests, automocking, tdd, mocking, mock, di, dependency, injection
Install-Package MoqMeUp -Version 1.0.5



An easy to use ioc like container that mocks (using Moq) all the class dependencies.


You probably saw/created a class like this right ?

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly IUserApiServices userApiServices;
    private readonly ICoolUserService coolUserService;
    private readonly ILogger logger;

    public UserService(
        IUserApiServices userApiServices,
        ICoolUserService coolUserService,
        ILogger logger)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
        this.coolUserService = coolUserService
        this.logger = logger;

    public async Task<User> CreateUserAsync(CreateUserRequest r)
        // All the magic code

        var createdUser = await this.userApiServices.CreateUserAsync(r);

        return createdUser;

Normally in your tests you need to create the mocks by yourself in every test, doing that setup a lot of times, which is error prone. Then when you need to add new dependencies to a class, then you'll need to refactor all the tests to support the new dependency.


public class UserServiceTests
    public async Task CreateUserAsync_WhenUserIsAlreadyRegistered_ShouldThrowApiException()
        // Arrange 
        var userApiServicesMock = new Mock<IUserApiServices>();
        var coolUserApiServicesMock = new Mock<ICoolUserService>();
        var loggerMock = new Mock<ILogger>();
        userApiServicesMock.Setup(x => x.CreateUserAsync(It.IsAny<CreateUserRequest>())
            .ThrowsAsync(new ApiException("User is already registered"));
        var target = new UserService(
        // Act
        var act = await target.CreateUserAsync(new CreateUserRequest()
            email = "",
            password = "random"

Thats when MoqMeUp comes handy ◔ᴗ◔

How to use

  1. Install MoqMeUp via NuGet: NuGet

  2. There are two ways of using this package:

// Create a test class and make it inherit the MoqMeUp class:

public class UserServiceTests : MoqMeUp<UserDataService>
    public async Task CreateUserAsync_WhenUserIsAlreadyRegistered_ShouldThrowApiException()
        // Arrange 
            .Setup(x => x.CreateUserAsync(It.IsAny<CreateUserRequest>())
            .ThrowsAsync(new ApiException("User is already registered"));

        var target = this.Build();

        // Act
        var act = await target.CreateUserAsync(new CreateUserRequest()
            email = "",
            password = "random"


// Create a MoqMeUp Container and build the class that you want to test from it:

public class UserServiceTests
    public async Task CreateUserAsync_WhenUserIsAlreadyRegistered_ShouldThrowApiException()
        var userServiceTestsMoqContainer = new MoqMeUp<UserDataService>();

        // Arrange 
            .Setup(x => x.CreateUserAsync(It.IsAny<CreateUserRequest>())
            .ThrowsAsync(new ApiException("User is already registered"));

        var target = userServiceTestsMoqContainer.Build();

        // Act
        var act = await target.CreateUserAsync(new CreateUserRequest()
            email = "",
            password = "random"



When there is only one dependency with that type you can use the Get to retrieve the mocked dependency.

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly IUserApiServices userApiServices;

    public UserService(IUserApiServices userApiServices)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
    // The rest of the code goes here

public class UserServiceTests : MockMeUp<UserService>
	public void GetUser_WhenUserExists_ShouldReturnIt()
            .Setup(x => x.GetUser(1))

        var target = this.Build();

        // The rest of the code goes here

Get(string name)

When there is more than one dependency with that type you can use the Get(string name) to retrieve the mocked dependency.

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly IUserApiServices userApiServices;
    private readonly IUserApiServices userApiServicesTwo;

    public UserService(IUserApiServices userApiServices, IUserApiServices userApiServicesTwo)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
        this.userApiServicesTwo = userApiServicesTwo;
    // The rest of the code goes here

public class UserServiceTests : MockMeUp<UserService>
    public void GetUser_WhenUserExists_ShouldReturnIt()
            .Setup(x => x.GetUser(1))

        var target = this.Build();

        // The rest of the code goes here


When there is a lazy dependency, you can configure the mock of its value

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly Lazy<IUserApiServices> userApiServices;

    public UserService(Lazy<IUserApiServices> userApiServices)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
	// The rest of the code goes here

public class UserServiceTests : MockMeUp<UserService>
    public void GetUser_WhenUserExists_ShouldReturnIt()
            .Setup(x => x.GetUser(1))

        var target = this.Build();

        // The rest of the code goes here

GetLazy(string name)

Same as GetLazy(), but here you can specify the dependency name (if there is more than one, or because you want)


When there is a func dependency, you can configure the mock of the result of the func

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly Func<IUserApiServices> userApiServices;

    public UserService(Func<IUserApiServices> userApiServices)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
	// The rest of the code goes here

public class UserServiceTests : MockMeUp<UserService>
    public void GetUser_WhenUserExists_ShouldReturnIt()
            .Setup(x => x.GetUser(1))

        var target = this.Build();

        // The rest of the code goes here

GetFunc(string name)

Same as GetFunc(), but here you can specify the dependency name (if there is more than one, or because you want)

Use(T dependency)

With Use you can define a custom value to the dependency, if you want to provide a dependency created by you. Thats a good way of configuring not mockable objects like integers etc.

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly IUserApiServices userApiServices;
    private readonly int int tenantId;

    public UserService(IUserApiServices userApiServices, int tenantId)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
        this.tenantId = tenantId;
    // The rest of the code goes here

public class UserServiceTests : MockMeUp<UserService>
    public void GetUser_WhenUserExists_ShouldReturnIt()
            .Setup(x => x.GetUser(1))


        var target = this.Build();

        // The rest of the code goes here

Use(string name, T dependency)

Same as Use(), but here you set manually a dependency for a specify the dependency by name

public class UserService : IUserService
    private readonly IUserApiServices userApiServices;
    private readonly int int tenantId;
    private readonly int int clientId;

    public UserService(IUserApiServices userApiServices, int tenantId, int clientId)
        this.userApiServices = userApiServices;
        this.tenantId = tenantId;
        this.clientId = clientId;
    // The rest of the code goes here

public class UserServiceTests : MockMeUp<UserService>
    public void GetUser_WhenUserExists_ShouldReturnIt()
            .Setup(x => x.GetUser(1))
        this.Set<int>("tenantId", 20000);
        this.Set<int>("clientId", 1);
        var target = this.Build();
        // The rest of the code goes here