
It's Steve Souders in a package! Moth is an ASP.NET MVC extension library that allows you to optimize webpage speed. Both server side as well as client side, without the hassle. It covers f.e.: server side donut caching (output cache substitution), javascript minification, request combination, data URI's, script versioning. See the wiki at the GitHub page.

Install-Package Moth -Version 1.0.5



Moth is a library for ASP.NET MVC that enables you to do all the total awesomeness required to build «really fast websites™», just like Steve Souders taught you.

So what'd you offer?

  • Let your server cool off with the best caching framework available
  • Minimize requests by combining javascript and CSS files
  • Minimize request size by minifying javascript
  • Data URI's for more request minification
  • Automatic CSS and javascript versioning
  • No hassle, just develop the same way you always do. We'll do the rest.

Does it work?

Moth was built out of the work we've done on the mobile website of the Dutch leading real estate site funda. The mobile site serves 200.000 pageviews per day with ease, and with a minimum of requests and with blazing speed. You can check for yourself how fast it is.